Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Alan SilvestriCaptain America - The First AvengerMP3***1:11:59
Alan SilvestriCast AwayMP32000not rated24:29
Alan SilvestriCast Away (Complete)MP32002not rated41:59
Alan SilvestriContact (complete)MP31997not rated46:04
Alan SilvestriDelta ForceMP3not rated31:47
Alan SilvestriDutch (bootleg)MP31991not rated59:40
Alan SilvestriDutch (La-La Land 2010)MP31991*****43:00
Alan SilvestriFandangoMP31985** 1/231:33
Alan SilvestriFerngully - The Last RainforestCD1992not rated44:02
Alan SilvestriForrest Gump (OST)CD1994not rated39:23
Alan SilvestriG.I. Joe: The Rise Of CobraMP32009not rated1:11:43
Alan SilvestriHollywood in ViennaMP32011not rated1:19:03
Alan SilvestriHoly Man (Complete)MP3not rated1:18:05
Alan SilvestriIdentity (Complete)MP3not rated54:34
Alan SilvestriIn Search of the Obelisk (IMAX) (unreleased)MP31993not rated19:52
Alan SilvestriJudge DreddCD1995not rated1:03:37
Alan SilvestriJudge Dredd [Complete Score]MP32002not rated41:52
Alan SilvestriJudge Dredd [Complete Score]MP32002not rated1:29:13
Alan SilvestriLilo and Stitch (Academy Promo)MP32002not rated14:31
Alan SilvestriLong Kiss Goodnight, TheMP32001not rated1:08:54
Alan SilvestriMarvel's The AvengersMP32012not rated1:05:14
Alan SilvestriMission Impossible (Rejected & Unreleased)MP31996not rated54:23
Alan SilvestriMUSICA DE CINE 2MP32007not rated1:08:35
Alan SilvestriNight at the MuseumMP32006not rated53:19
Alan SilvestriNight at the Museum: Battle of the SmithsonianMP32009****49:54

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