Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Sea HawkCDnot rated44:25
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Warner Bros YearsMP31996not rated1:56:39
Erik LundborgEnter the Matrix Deluxe VideoMP32003not rated46:34
Ernest GoldA child is waitingMP32010*** 1/236:06
Ernest GoldExodusCDnot rated45:08
Ernest GoldExodus Special Limited Collectors EditionMP31960*****2:12:12
Ernest GoldGood Luck, Miss WyckoffMP3not rated31:00
Ernest GoldIt's a mad, mad, mad, mad worldFLAC2010not rated56:50
Ernest GoldTom HornMP31980** 1/231:10
Ernest Gold / Leonard RosenmanThe Last Vikings/Dr. Leakey and the Dawn of ManMP3not rated1:00:10
Ernest TroostOne Man's HeroMP31999***55:48
Ernest TroostSaint MaybeMP3not rated35:16
Ernest TroostThe Canterville GhostMP31996not rated39:59
ES PosthumusPosthumus ZoneMP3not rated8:01
Euer BoxFor the Love of BenjiMP3not rated26:46
Eugen Prokop (violin solo); Mary Springfels (viola da gamba); Edward Brewer (harFlemish Masters of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries: Sonatas for Violin Solo & Basso ContinuoMP31997*** 1/244:55
Evanthia ReboutsikaA Touch Of SpiceMP32003not rated42:07
Evanthia ReboutsikaBabam ve OglumMP32006*****35:35
Evanthia ReboutsikaMegali EllinesMP3*****44:12
Evanthia ReboutsikaUlakMP3*****36:16
Evgueni Galperine/Alice Lewis/David ReyesLe Renard et l'EnfantMP3not rated57:22
Fabrice AboulkeChris ColoradoMP3*****28:38
Fenton, GeorgeWe're No AngelsCD1992not rated41:59
Fernando VelazquezLOPEMP3***58:29

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