Evanthia Reboutsika

Evanthia Reboutsika - Ulak

  • Genre: Soundtrack/Middle East
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 36:16
  • *****
  • Added October 3, 2009
  • Played October 12, 2009
  • Rated October 3, 2009


1. The sound of the night (Gecenin Sesi)not rated0:33
2. Messenger (Ulak)not rated4:25
3. Life dream (Hayat Ruyasi)not rated2:40
4. Eyes in tears (Yasli Gozler)not rated1:37
5. Under the rain (Yagmur altinda)not rated2:32
6. Evening in the village ((Aksamustu Koyde)not rated2:39
7. The traveller (Gezgin)not rated3:11
8. Forest nights (Orman Geceleri)not rated2:25
9. Dance and play (Dans ve Oyun)not rated1:42
10. Tales of Zekeriya (Zekeriya'nin Masallari)not rated2:39
11. At the window (Pencere Ici)not rated2:27
12. A veil of mist (Sis Perdesi)not rated1:19
13. Strange creatures (Tuhaf Yaratiklar)not rated4:18
14. Bridge of divine light (Nur Koprusu)not rated2:38
15. Pray (Dua)not rated1:11

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