Erich Wolfgang Korngold
The Warner Bros Years

Erich Wolfgang Korngold - The Warner Bros Years

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Soundtrack/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:56:39
  • not rated
  • Added October 27, 2008


1. Captain Blood - Main titlenot rated1:55
2. Captain Blood - Peter and Arabellanot rated1:37
3. Captain Blood - Tortuganot rated2:51
4. Captain Blood - Buccaneersnot rated1:36
5. The green pastures - The creationnot rated1:23
6. The green pastures - The floodnot rated2:48
7. Anthony Adverse - Main titlenot rated1:25
8. Anthony Adverse - To the spanot rated2:41
9. Anthony Adverse - Bonnyfeathernot rated1:01
10. Anthony Adverse - Anthony and Angelanot rated2:56
11. The prince and the pauper - Main titlenot rated1:34
12. The prince and the pauper - The prince in the palacenot rated1:52
13. The prince and the pauper - Miles Hendon to the rescuenot rated1:55
14. The prince and the pauper - Prince as paupernot rated1:46
15. The prince and the pauper - The ride to the palacenot rated0:49
16. The prince and the pauper - The coronationnot rated0:33
17. The prince and the pauper - Finalenot rated0:23
18. The adventures of Robin Hood - Main titlenot rated1:30
19. The adventures of Robin Hood - Banquet in the castlenot rated1:59
20. The adventures of Robin Hood - Marian and Robinnot rated3:29
21. The adventures of Robin Hood - Epiloguenot rated1:31
22. The adventures of Robin Hood - End titlenot rated0:30
23. Juarez - Archduke Maximiliannot rated0:42
24. Juarez - Carlottanot rated1:57
25. Juarez - Rebellionnot rated2:13
26. Juarez - The death of Maximilian / Finalenot rated2:57
27. The private lives of Elizabeth and Essex - Main titlenot rated1:29
28. The private lives of Elizabeth and Essex - Essex fanfaresnot rated0:16
29. The private lives of Elizabeth and Essex - Essex marchnot rated2:17
30. The private lives of Elizabeth and Essex - Elizabethnot rated1:18
31. The private lives of Elizabeth and Essex - End titlesnot rated0:50
32. The sea hawk - Main titlenot rated1:55
33. The sea hawk - The Albatrossnot rated1:56
34. The sea hawk - The battle with the galleonnot rated2:09
35. The sea hawk - Maria's ride to Dovernot rated2:11
36. The sea hawk - Fianlenot rated1:04
37. The sea hawk - End titlenot rated0:42
1. The sea wolf - Main titlenot rated1:05
2. The sea wolf - The ghostnot rated1:09
3. The sea wolf - Love themenot rated1:26
4. The sea wolf - Fight in the darknot rated1:42
5. The sea wolf - Finalenot rated1:14
6. Kings Row - Main titlenot rated1:21
7. Kings Row - Parris and Cassienot rated1:58
8. Kings Row - Ice housenot rated0:44
9. Kings Row - Grandmothernot rated2:35
10. Kings Row - Randy and Drakenot rated2:01
11. Kings Row - Paris comes homenot rated1:40
12. Kings Row - Finalenot rated1:22
13. The constant nymph - Main titlenot rated3:10
14. The constant nymph - Farewellnot rated1:44
15. The constant nymph - Finalenot rated2:31
16. Devotion - Branwell in the tavernnot rated3:53
17. Between two worlds - Mysterious voyagenot rated2:58
18. Between two worlds - Love themenot rated2:54
19. Of human bondage - Main titlenot rated1:06
20. Of human bondage - Mildrednot rated4:00
21. Of human bondage - Jealousynot rated2:17
22. Of human bondage - Finalenot rated2:11
23. Escape me never - Crossing the dolomitesnot rated6:13
24. Deception - Main title / Theme / End titlenot rated3:25

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