Artist![]() |
Title | Format | Released | Rating | Duration |
Frank Zappa | 200 Motels | MP3 | 1971 | not rated | 1:32:01 |
Frank Zappa | Absolutely Free | MP3 | 1967 | not rated | 43:39 |
Frank Zappa | Apostrophe | MP3 | 1974 | not rated | 28:15 |
Frank Zappa | At The Circus | MP3 | 1992 | not rated | 41:21 |
Frank Zappa | Baby Snakes | MP3 | 1983 | not rated | 36:19 |
Frank Zappa | Bongo Fury | MP3 | 1975 | not rated | 41:04 |
Frank Zappa | Boulez Conducts Zappa | MP3 | 1984 | not rated | 37:04 |
Frank Zappa | Broadway The Hard Way | MP3 | 1989 | not rated | 1:11:10 |
Frank Zappa | Cheap Thrills | MP3 | 1998 | not rated | 47:38 |
Frank Zappa | Chunga's Revenge | MP3 | 1970 | not rated | 40:23 |
Frank Zappa | Conceptual Continuity | MP3 | 1990 | not rated | 38:37 |
Frank Zappa | Cruising With Ruben & The Jets | MP3 | 1968 | not rated | 41:17 |
Frank Zappa | Cucamonga | MP3 | 1998 | not rated | 38:49 |
Frank Zappa | Disconnected Synapses | MP3 | 1992 | not rated | 1:01:13 |
Frank Zappa | Does Humor Belong In Music | MP3 | 1986 | not rated | 1:01:40 |
Frank Zappa | Electric Aunt Jemima | MP3 | 1992 | not rated | 1:03:37 |
Frank Zappa | Everything Is Healing Nicely | MP3 | 1999 | not rated | 1:08:35 |
Frank Zappa | Francesco Zappa | MP3 | 1984 | not rated | 37:47 |
Frank Zappa | Freak Out! | MP3 | 1966 | not rated | 1:00:23 |
Frank Zappa | Have I Offended Someone | MP3 | 1997 | not rated | 1:03:51 |
Frank Zappa | Hot Rats | MP3 | 1969 | not rated | 47:11 |
Frank Zappa | Jazz From Hell | MP3 | 1986 | not rated | 34:34 |
Frank Zappa | Joe's Domage | MP3 | 2004 | not rated | 55:29 |
Frank Zappa | Joe's Garage | MP3 | 1979 | not rated | 1:55:13 |
Frank Zappa | Just Another Band From L.A. | MP3 | 1972 | not rated | 45:21 |
Frank Zappa | Lumpy Gravy | MP3 | 1968 | not rated | 31:43 |
Frank Zappa | Meets The Mothers Of Prevention | MP3 | 1985 | not rated | 47:10 |
Frank Zappa | Mystery Disc | MP3 | 1998 | not rated | 1:17:30 |
Frank Zappa | One Size Fits All | MP3 | 1975 | not rated | 43:02 |
Frank Zappa | Our Man In Nirvana | MP3 | 1991 | not rated | 1:10:44 |
Frank Zappa | Over-Nite Sensation | MP3 | 1973 | not rated | 34:26 |
Frank Zappa | Quaudiophiliac | MP3 | 2004 | not rated | 50:37 |
Frank Zappa | Roxy & Elsewhere | MP3 | 1974 | not rated | 1:08:01 |
Frank Zappa | Sheik Yerbouti | MP3 | 1979 | not rated | 1:10:23 |
Frank Zappa | Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch | MP3 | 1982 | not rated | 34:18 |
Frank Zappa | Sleep Dirt | MP3 | 1979 | not rated | 38:45 |
Frank Zappa | Son Of Cheep Thrills | MP3 | 1999 | not rated | 44:49 |
Frank Zappa | Strictly Commercial | MP3 | 1995 | not rated | 1:17:07 |
Frank Zappa | Tengo Na Minchia Tanta | MP3 | 1991 | not rated | 51:40 |
Frank Zappa | The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life | MP3 | 1991 | not rated | 2:11:15 |
Frank Zappa | The Grand Wazoo | MP3 | 1972 | not rated | 37:05 |
Frank Zappa | The Lost Episodes | MP3 | 1996 | not rated | 1:11:14 |
Frank Zappa | The Man From Utopia | MP3 | 1983 | not rated | 40:17 |
Frank Zappa | Them Or Us | MP3 | 1984 | not rated | 1:10:48 |
Frank Zappa | Thing-Fish | MP3 | 1984 | not rated | 1:30:52 |
Frank Zappa | Tinsel Town Rebellion | MP3 | 1981 | not rated | 1:07:19 |
Frank Zappa | Trance-Fusion | MP3 | 2005 | not rated | 1:00:18 |
Frank Zappa | Uncle Meat | MP3 | 1969 | not rated | 2:00:29 |
Frank Zappa | We're only in it for the money | MP3 | 1968 | not rated | 39:06 |
Frank Zappa | Weasels Ripped My Flesh | MP3 | 1970 | not rated | 43:05 |
Frank Zappa | You Are What You Is | MP3 | 1981 | not rated | 1:09:07 |
Frank Zappa | You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 2 | MP3 | 1988 | not rated | 1:56:45 |
Frank Zappa | Zoot Allures | MP3 | 1976 | not rated | 41:36 |