Frank Zappa
At The Circus

Frank Zappa - At The Circus

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Jazz-Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 41:21
  • not rated
  • Added August 1, 2006


1. A Pound For A Brown (On The Bus)not rated2:16
2. Baby Snakesnot rated2:08
3. Dancin' Foolnot rated3:15
4. Easy Meatnot rated4:42
5. Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Menot rated4:36
6. Mother Peoplenot rated2:43
7. Wonderful Winonot rated5:44
8. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?not rated2:24
9. Seal Call Fusion Musicnot rated3:14
10. Bobby Brownnot rated2:56
11. I'm On Dutynot rated1:52
12. Coneheadnot rated5:31

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