Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Little MiltonSacrificeWelcome To The Club-The Essential Chess Recordings2:40not rated2CD1994
Mould, Bob (Bob Mould)Sacrifice / Let There Be PeaceBlack Sheets Of Rain5:33not ratedMP31990
Mould, Bob (Bob Mould)Sacrifice / Let There Be PeacePoison Years5:34not ratedMP31994
Elfman, Danny (Danny Elfman)SacrificesHitchcock Soundtrack1:16not ratedMP32012
Hinojosa, Tish (Tish Hinojosa)SacrificesDreaming from the Labyrinth (Sonar Del Laberinto)4:21not ratedCD1996
StrangefolkSadWeightless in Water6:12not ratedCD1997
Escovedo, Alejandro (Alejandro Escovedo)Sad & Dreamy (The Big 1-0)Bloodshot Records: Fun For All Ages Sampler4:58not ratedMP32011
Escovedo, Alejandro (Alejandro Escovedo)Sad & Dreamy (The Big 1-0)The Bottle Let Me Down4:58not ratedMP32002
Costello, Elvis (Elvis Costello) & The AttractionsSad About GirlsTrust2:51not ratedCDR1981
Simple MindsSad AffairX52:45not ratedMP3 Set1979
Love And RocketsSad And Beautiful WorldSweet F.A.5:59not ratedMP31996
Musselwhite, Charlie (Charlie Musselwhite)Sad And Beautiful WorldThe Well3:39not ratedMP32010
TrafficSad and Deep as YouWelcome To The Canteen3:47not ratedMP31971
Hopkins, Linda (Linda Hopkins)Sad And LonelyRock And Roll Blues3:03not ratedMP32008
Country Joe & the FishSad and Lonely TimesElectric Music for the Mind and Body2:26not ratedMP31967
Asylum Street SpankersSad BomberStrawberry3:58not ratedMP32004
Wonder, Stevie (Stevie Wonder)Sad BoyStevie At The Beach2:31not ratedMP31964
Wonder, Stevie (Stevie Wonder)Sad BoyThe Complete Motown Singles - Volume 4: 19642:30not ratedMP3 Set2006
Van Zandt, Townes (Townes Van Zandt)Sad CinderellaHigh, Low And In Between4:15not ratedMP31996
Van Zandt, Townes (Townes Van Zandt)Sad CinderellaSunshine Boy4:37not rated2MP32013
Santa FeSad DaySanta Fe3:20not ratedMP31970
Dylan, Bob (Bob Dylan)Sad Eyed Lady of the LowlandsThe Original Mono Recordings11:21not ratedMP3 Set1962
Dylan, Bob (Bob Dylan)Sad Eyed Lady Of The LowlandsBlonde On Blonde11:19not ratedCD1988
Nash, Graham (Graham Nash)Sad EyesReflections3:17not ratedMP3 Set2009
AlfRaMusicSad FinalTrailer Park2:16not ratedMP32019

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