Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Empire Brass Quintet and FriendsOcean Tide MarchAmerican Brass Band Journal: A Collection of New and Beautiful Marches, Quick-Steps,and Polkas Arranged in an Easy Manne1:23not ratedCD2005
Banton, Pato (Pato Banton)Ocean WarriorsMusic For Our Mother Ocean - MOM II3:56not ratedCD1997
Sky Cries MaryOcean Which Humanity IsA Return to the Inner Experience5:21not ratedCDR1993
Oldfield, Mike (Mike Oldfield)OceaniaThe Songs Of Distant Earth3:19not ratedMP31994
Copper DaltonOceansSlow Carnival4:13not ratedMP32009
Pearl JamOceansTen2:41not ratedCD1991
Waters, Roger (Roger Waters)Oceans ApartIs This The Life We Really Want1:07not ratedMP32017
Hitchcock, Robyn (Robyn Hitchcock) & the Egyptians (Robyn Hitchcock & the EgyptiOceansidePerspex Islandnot ratedCA9/27/1994
The DecemberistsOceansideWe All Raise Our Voices To The Air: Live Songs 04.11-08.113:26not rated2MP32011
MacNeill, Flora (Flora MacNeill)Och, a Thearlaich oig StiubhairtWorld library of Folk and Primitive Music - Vol.3 Scotland1:08not ratedCD1998
Village HarmonyOcheshkhveiOasis World No. 42:36not rated2CD2001
Hot Club SandwichOchi Choernie "Dark Eyes"Hot Club Sandwich3:05not ratedCD2001
Atkins, Chet (Chet Atkins)Ochi ChornyaChet Atkins In 3 Dimensions2:56not ratedMP31955
Pink MartiniOcho Kandelikas (Eight Little Candles)Joy to the World2:17not ratedCD2010
Johnny & The DistractionsOctane TwilightThe Best Songs & More4:00not ratedMP31989
Laury, Steve (Steve Laury)OctoberA Little On The CD Side Volume 95:29not ratedCD1993
Sun Ra & his Astro Infinity ArkestraOctoberThe Singles4:42not rated2MP31996
O'Connor, Mark (Mark O'Connor)October Impressions (#38)Elysian Forest4:07not ratedMP31988
Of MontrealOctober is EternalThe Sunlandic Twins3:58not rated2MP32005
Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith)October ReasonsPoet In My Windownot ratedMP31982
Winehouse, Amy (Amy Winehouse)October SongFrank3:24not ratedMP32008
Fleck, Bela (Bela Fleck)October WindsNatural Bridge5:49not ratedMP31982
Ekoostik HookahOctofryeDubbabuddah7:51not ratedMP31994
Barrett, Syd (Syd Barrett)OctopusThe Madcap Laughs3:47not ratedMP31970
Barrett, Syd (Syd Barrett)OctopusHave You Got It Yet?3:45not ratedMP3 Set2010

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