Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Monte, Bartmont (Bartmont Montet) & Joswell DupuisL'Abandonner (The Forsaken)Aimer Et Perdre: To Love & To Lose Songs, 1917-19342:38not rated2MP32012
Piaf, Edith (Edith Piaf)L'accordeniste30th Anniversaire4:07not ratedMP3 Set1993
Kids These DaysL'AfriqueTraphouse Rocknot ratedMP32012
Buffett, Jimmy (Jimmy Buffett)L'Air de la LouisianeHot Water3:01not ratedMP31988
Buffett, Jimmy (Jimmy Buffett)L'Air De La LouisianeEncores3:08not rated2MP32010
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Alésienne Suite No. 1 - AdagiettoSurround Yourself In Classics2:51not ratedCD box set1999
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Alésienne Suite No. 1 - CarillonSurround Yourself In Classics4:54not ratedCD box set1999
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Alésienne Suite No. 1 - MinuetSurround Yourself In Classics2:44not ratedCD box set1999
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Alésienne Suite No. 1 - OvertureSurround Yourself In Classics6:42not ratedCD box set1999
The DoorsL'AmericaL.A. Woman4:40not ratedMP31971
Can't HangL'amourLive at the Funkbox6:19not ratedCDR2004
BeausoleilL'Amour ou la FolieEncore, Encore!! The Best Of Beausoleil on Rhino5:20not ratedCDR2003
BeausoleilL'Amour ou la FolieL'Amour ou la Folie5:20not ratedCD1997
BeausoleilL'amour PoisonnéEncore, Encore!! The Best Of Beausoleil on Rhino5:17not ratedCDR2003
Various artistsL'Amour s'en cachant: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Les Plaisirs: Ticket To RideThe Baroque Beatles Book4:29not ratedMP31965
And What Will Be Left Of Them?L'amour ViolentLive @ Fresher's Fest 20053:17not ratedMP32005
And What Will Be Left Of Them?L'amour ViolentDance, Damn You, Dance EP2:20not ratedMP32005
And What Will Be Left Of Them?L'Amour Violent (BBC Worcester 2005)BBC Worcester 20052:15not ratedMP32005
The Sex PistolsL'Anarchie Pour Le U.K. (Jerzimy)The Great Rock 'N' Roll Swindle3:26not ratedCD1979
I Gattini Di SalemL'ArchitettoNiente Ballate Alla Vasco Rossi 3.03:33not ratedMP32017
L'AvenirL'arevois Plus BelleAfrica en America3:15not ratedMP3 Set1992
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Arlesienne No.1 AdagiettoClassical Masterpeices3:11not ratedCD box set1999
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Arlesienne No.1 CarillonClassical Masterpeices4:27not ratedCD box set1999
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Arlesienne No.1 MinuettoClassical Masterpeices2:59not ratedCD box set1999
Bizet, Georges (Georges Bizet)L'Arlesienne No.1 PreludeClassical Masterpeices6:25not ratedCD box set1999

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