Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Mowatt, Judy (Judy Mowatt)JosephFirst Family of Reggae5:06not ratedMP31991
Armstrong, Louis (Louis Armstrong)Joseph 'N' His BruddersThe Complete RCA Victor Recordings3:04not ratedMP3 Set1997
Various artistsJoseph Buloff, Chorus/It's A Scandal! It's A Outrage!Oklahoma!3:16not ratedCD1943
Romance of the RanchosJoseph ChapmanRomance of the Ranchos28:33not ratedMP31942
Mannheim SteamrollerJoseph Dear Oh Joseph MineChristmas In The Aire3:10not ratedCD1995
The Trail BandJoseph LieberPeace on Earth - A Christmas Collection2:34not ratedCD2005
The Vichy GovernmentJoseph LoseyWhite Elephant3:36not ratedMP32008
Various artistsJoseph Smith American MosesThe Book of Mormon6:12not ratedMP32011
Blake, Norman (Norman Blake)Joseph Thompson Hare On The Old Natchez TraceWood, Wire & Words4:06not ratedMP32015
Quicksilver Messenger ServiceJoseph's CoatBest of Quicksilver Messenger Service4:50not ratedCA1971
Hartford, John (John Hartford)Joseph's DreamNobody Knows What You Do4:28not ratedMP31976
Miller, Glenn (Glenn Miller) And The Andrews SistersJoseph, JosephThe Chesterfield Broadcasts3:01not rated2MP31940
Amos, Tori (Tori Amos)JosephineOctober 13, 1999-Musique Plus (Canada)2:23not ratedMP310/13/1999
Atkins, Chet (Chet Atkins)JosephineMy Favorite Guitarsnot ratedMP31964
Puerto MuertoJosephineFor A Decade Of Sin: 11 Years of Bloodshot Records3:56not rated2MP32005
The WallflowersJosephineBringing Down The Horse5:09not ratedCD1996
PepperJosh Bargain Taking His TimeMarch 18th, 2002 Kozmos, Huntington Beach, CA0:16not ratedMP33/18/2002
Private JokerJosh's SongTales From The Pop Punk World Vol. 23:00not ratedMP32014
Fisk Jubilee SingersJoshua Fit De BattleAmerican Roots Music2:22not ratedMP3 Set2001
Seeger, Pete (Pete Seeger)Joshua Fit The BattleFolkways: A vision revisited1:44not ratedMP31989
The Tequila BrassJoshua Fit the Battle28 Partyknuller Zum Tanzen 22:28not ratedMP3
Seeger, Pete (Pete Seeger)Joshua Fit the Battle of JerichoThe Original Folkways Recordings1:50not ratedMP31999
Seeger, Pete (Pete Seeger)Joshua Fought The Battle Of JerichoFolk Songs For Young People2:03not ratedMP31959
RaffiJoshua GiraffeBaby Beluga6:05not ratedTape1980
Dylan, Bob (Bob Dylan) & The BandJoshua Gone BarbadosThe Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series Vol. 112:45not ratedMP3 Set1967

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