Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Gabriel, Peter (Peter Gabriel)Father, SonThe Definitive CD Collection4:55not rated2MP32003
Little FeatFatman In The BathtubLive from Neon Parknot ratedMP31995
Eccles, Clancy (Clancy Eccles)Fattie FattieTighten Up - Trojan Reggae Classics 1968-742:41not rated2MP32002
Carll, Hayes (Hayes Carll)Faulkner StreetTrouble In Mind3:25not ratedMP32008
Pest 5000FaultC M J New Music Monthly, Volume 20 April 19953:19not ratedCD1995
The Grateful DeadFault ForcesGrayfolded6:19not rated2CD1996
Petty, Tom (Tom Petty)Fault Lines - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Tom Petty & The HeartbreakersAn American Treasure4:28not ratedMP3 Set2018
General PublicFaults And AllHand To Mouth3:35not ratedMP31986
General PublicFaults And AllBest Of General Public3:35not ratedMP32014
Right Turn LeftFaustFoolproof Plan EP2:08not ratedMP32008
Byrne, David (David Byrne)Faust DanceThe Knee Plays2:18not ratedMP31985
Piaf, Edith (Edith Piaf)Faut Pas Qu'il Se Figure30th Anniversaire4:00not ratedMP3 Set1993
Dharma BumsFavorWelcomenot ratedMP31992
Case, Neko (Neko Case) & Jon RauhouseFavoriteDown To The Promised Land: 5 Years of Bloodshot Records (excerpts)3:13not ratedCDR
Leighton, GB (GB Leighton)FavoriteShake Them Ghosts3:58not ratedMP32007
BunnygruntFavorite FoodC M J New Music - Vol 16 - December 19942:31not ratedCD12/1994
Future HitsFavorite FoodEpitonic saki Session2:00not ratedMP32015
Future HitsFavorite Food (feat. Jack Baron)Songs for Learning2:04not ratedMP32012
The FiggsFavorite ShirtSuper Snax II (Free Fall '94 Menu)not ratedCA
The ReplacementsFavorite ThingLet It Be [Expanded]2:20not ratedMP31984
The SpikeweedFavorite TV ShowTales From The Pop Punk World Vol. 33:27not ratedMP32016
Dixie ChicksFavorite YearTaking The Long Way4:31not ratedMP32006
Costello, Elvis (Elvis Costello)Favourite HourBrutal Youth3:31not ratedCD1994
Costello, Elvis (Elvis Costello) & The Metropole OrkestFavourite HourMy Flame Burns Blue4:00not ratedMP32006
Cage The GodsFavourite SinThe End Records Free Sampler 20144:39not ratedMP32014

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