Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YesExcerpts From "The Six Wives Of Henry VIII"Yessongs6:37not rated2MP31973
Burroughs, William S. (William S. Burroughs)Excerpts from ''The Western Land: The President, Colonel Bradford, Everyman a God''A Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse5:41not ratedMP31985
Bowden, Charles (Charles Bowden)Excerpts From An Interview By Scott CarrierBorder Songs1:20not rated2MP32012
Howe, Steve (Steve Howe)Excerpts from Tales from Topographic Oceans: The Revealing Science ... - Steve Howe, Anderson, JonNot Necessarily Acousticnot ratedMP311/29/1994
Biafra, Jello (Jello Biafra)Excerpts from Tales Of The TrialSound Bites from the Counter Culturenot ratedTape6/12/1990
Thomas, Nkrumah Jah (Nkrumah Jah Thomas)Exclusive DubMidnight Rock At King Tubby'snot ratedMP32015
Generation XExclusive Interview With Tony JamesAnthology17:53not ratedMP3 Set2003
Harvey, Derina (Derina Harvey) Band (Derina Harvey Band)Excursion Around The BayDerina Harvey Band4:05not ratedMP32013
A Tribe Called QuestExcursionsThe Low End Theory3:55not ratedMP31991
A Tribe Called QuestExcursionsThe Low End Theory3:56not ratedMP31991
Captain PolaroidExcuse After ExcuseSpitting Facts, Splitting Fractions2:46not ratedMP32004
Captain PolaroidExcuse After Excuse (Dandelion Radio session)Dandelion EP2:34not ratedMP32009
Gabriel, Peter (Peter Gabriel)Excuse MePeter Gabriel 1 Car3:19not ratedMP31977
Owens, Buck (Buck Owens)Excuse Me (I Think I've Got a HeartacheThe Smithsonian Collection Of Classic Country Musicnot ratedCA Box Set
Harper, Ben (Ben Harper)Excuse Me Mr.Music For Our Mother Ocean - MOM II5:24not ratedCD1997
No DoubtExcuse Me Mr.Tragic Kingdom3:05not ratedCD1995
WhiskeytownExcuse Me While I Break My Own Heart TonightFaithless Street3:20not ratedCD1998
CakeExcuse Me, I Think I've Got A HeartacheB-Sides And Rarities2:21not ratedMP32007
Oldfield, Mike (Mike Oldfield)ExecutionThe Killing Fields (Original Film Soundtrack)4:48not ratedMP31984
Loaf, Meat (Meat Loaf)Execution DayBlind Before I Stop6:31not ratedMP31986
Thomas, Nkrumah Jah (Nkrumah Jah Thomas)Executive DubMidnight Rock At King Tubby'snot ratedMP32015
Disposable Heroes Of HiphoprisyExercise Our RightArtists For Rock The Vote : Say What U Wantnot ratedCA1992
Circle JerksExhaust BreathOddities, Abnormalities, and Curiosities3:00not ratedCD1995
Foo FightersExhaustedFoo Fighters5:45not ratedCD1995
R.E.M.Exhuming McCarthyDocument3:21not ratedCD1987

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