Complete list of thejoeinme's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
3 Inches of BloodAdvance and VanquishCD9/28/2004****50:33
3 Inches of BloodFire Up the BladesCD6/26/2007****51:47
AC/DC'74 JailbreakCD1984not rated24:15
AC/DCBack in BlackCD8/1980*****41:57
AC/DCBallbreakerCD9/26/1995not rated49:45
AC/DCBlow Up Your VideoCD2/1988not rated43:10
AC/DCDirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapCD9/20/1976****40:21
AC/DCFlick of the SwitchCD8/15/1983*** 1/236:56
AC/DCFly on the WallCD6/28/1985*** 1/240:13
AC/DCFor Those About to RockCD11/23/1981not rated39:54
AC/DCHigh VoltageCD9/28/1976not rated43:48
AC/DCHighway to HellCD7/30/1979*****41:25
AC/DCIf You Want Blood You've Got ItCD11/21/1978not rated52:35
AC/DCLet There Be RockCD6/23/1977not rated40:49
AC/DCLiveCD10/27/1992not rated1:12:08
AC/DCLive From the Atlantic StudiosCD11/18/1997not rated45:59
AC/DCPowerageCD5/25/1978not rated41:24
AC/DCStiff Upper LipCD2/29/2000****49:32
AC/DCThe Razor's EdgeCD9/1990not rated46:25
AC/DCWho Made WhoCD5/1986not rated38:06
AcceptBalls to the WallCD1983not rated43:55
AcceptMetal HeartCD1985not rated39:55
AcceptRestless and WildCD1982not rated43:52
Ace FrehleyAnomalyCD9/15/2009****54:40
Acoustic GuitarsArabesqueCD7/16/2002****47:47

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