3 Inches of Blood
Fire Up the Blades

3 Inches of Blood - Fire Up the Blades

  • Release date: 6/26/2007
  • Genre: Heavy Metal/Pre-suck Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 51:47
  • ****
  • Added May 31, 2007
  • Rated December 5, 2007


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10. Pipes, Hooper, Hagberg, Clark, Cates, Rodriguez - Assassins of the Lightnot rated3:20
11. Pipes, Hooper, Hagberg, Clark, Cates, Rodriguez - Black Spirenot rated5:23
12. Pipes, Hooper, Hagberg, Clark, Cates, Rodriguez - Hydra's Teethnot rated4:49
13. Pipes, Hooper, Hagberg, Clark, Cates, Rodriguez - Rejoice in the Fire of Man's Demisenot rated1:33

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