Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Metal ChurchHitmanMetal Church4:36not ratedMP31985
Metal ChurchHypnotizedHanging In The Balance4:43not ratedMP31993
Metal ChurchIn Due TimeThe Human Factor4:05not ratedMP31991
Metal ChurchIn Harm's WayThe Human Factor7:01not ratedMP31991
Metal ChurchIn MourningThe Human Factor6:02not ratedMP31991
Metal ChurchIn The BloodMetal Church3:31not ratedMP31985
Metal ChurchInto DustMasterpeace4:16not ratedMP31999
Metal ChurchIt's A SecretBlessing In Disguise3:49not ratedMP31989
Metal ChurchKiss For The DeadMasterpeace6:51not ratedMP31999
Metal ChurchLb. Of CureMasterpeace4:33not ratedMP31999
Metal ChurchLine Of DeathThe Dark4:44not ratedMP31986
Metal ChurchLittle BoyHanging In The Balance8:14not ratedMP31993
Metal ChurchLosers In The GameHanging In The Balance5:08not ratedMP31993
Metal ChurchLovers And MadmenHanging In The Balance2:51not ratedMP31993
Metal ChurchLow To Overdrive (Bonus)Hanging In The Balance4:27not ratedMP31993
Metal ChurchMasterpeaceMasterpeace1:54not ratedMP31999
Metal ChurchMerciless OnslaughtMetal Church2:56not ratedMP31985
Metal ChurchMetal ChurchMetal Church5:03not ratedMP31985
Metal ChurchMethod To Your MadnessThe Dark4:57not ratedMP31986
Metal ChurchNo Friend Of MineHanging In The Balance3:58not ratedMP31993
Metal ChurchOf Unsound MindBlessing In Disguise4:45not ratedMP31989
Metal ChurchOver My Dead BodyThe Dark3:34not ratedMP31986
Metal ChurchPsychoThe Dark3:35not ratedMP31986
Metal ChurchRest In Pieces (April 15, 1912)Blessing In Disguise6:40not ratedMP31989
Metal ChurchSand KingsMasterpeace4:37not ratedMP31999

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