Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MegadethPromisesThe World Needs A Hero4:29not ratedMP32001
MegadethPromisesStill, Alive And Well4:29not ratedMP32002
MegadethPsychotronCountdown to Extinction4:42not ratedMP31992
MegadethRattleheadKilling Is My Business...And Business Is Good!3:41not ratedMP31985
MegadethRecipe For Hate...WarhorseThe World Needs A Hero5:19not ratedMP32001
MegadethReckoning DayRude Awakening (Disc 1)4:25not ratedMP32002
MegadethReckoning DayYouthanasia4:34not ratedMP31994
MegadethReturn To HangarRude Awakening (Disc 1)3:55not ratedMP32002
MegadethReturn To HangarThe World Needs A Hero4:00not ratedMP32001
MegadethReturn To HangarStill, Alive And Well4:02not ratedMP32002
MegadethRust In Peace... PolarisRust In Peace5:36not ratedMP31990
MegadethSet The World AfireSo Far, So Good... So What!5:49not ratedMP31988
MegadethSevenRisk5:01not ratedMP31999
MegadethShadow Of DethThe System Has Failed2:15not ratedMP32004
MegadethShe WolfRude Awakening (Disc 1)8:18not ratedMP32002
MegadethShe-WolfBack To The Start - Greatest Hits3:39not ratedMP32005
MegadethShe-WolfCryptic Writings3:36not ratedMP31997
MegadethSilent ScornThe World Needs A Hero1:42not ratedMP32001
MegadethSinCryptic Writings3:06not ratedMP31997
MegadethSkin O' My TeethBack To The Start - Greatest Hits3:16not ratedMP32005
MegadethSkin O' My TeethCountdown to Extinction3:14not ratedMP31992
MegadethSkull Beneath The SkinKilling Is My Business...And Business Is Good!3:45not ratedMP31985
MegadethSomething That I'm NotThe System Has Failed5:07not ratedMP32004
MegadethSweating BulletsBack To The Start - Greatest Hits5:27not ratedMP32005
MegadethSweating BulletsRude Awakening (Disc 2)4:39not ratedMP32002

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