Complete list of orklord's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Agent SteelSkeptics Apocalypse [Price Killers]CD6/1/1985****30:37
Agent SteelSkeptics Apocalypse [Remastered]CD6/1/1985****36:54
Agent SteelUnstoppable ForceLP3/1/1987****39:06
Agent SteelUnstoppable Force [Remastered]CD3/1/1987****39:07
AirbourneBlack Dog BarkingCD5/21/2013not rated34:57
AirbourneNo Guts. No Glory.CD3/8/2010****46:59
AirbourneRunnin' WildCD5/30/2008*** 1/236:49
Airged L'amhOde To SalvationCD2/12/2008****53:55
Airged L'amhOne Eyed GodLP3/1/2002****47:30
Airged L'amhThe Silver ArmCD9/30/2004****1:00:32
Alice CooperBillion Dollar BabiesLP****40:54
Alice CooperWelcome to My NightmareDVDnot rated
Alice in ChainsFaceliftCDnot rated
Alt-JAn Awesome WaveLP6/6/2012****41:04
AltarYouth Against ChristLP1/1/1994****48:14
Altar of PlaguesWhite TombLP4/1/2009****50:01
AmulanceThe Rage Within and the AftermathCD5/6/2007****53:07
Amy WinehouseBack to BlackLP10/30/2006****34:54
An Autumn For Crippled ChildrenEternalLP10/3/2016****44:35
An Autumn For Crippled ChildrenEverythingCDnot rated
An Autumn For Crippled ChildrenLostCDnot rated
An Autumn For Crippled ChildrenOnlt the Ocean KnowsCDnot rated
An Autumn For Crippled ChildrenThe Long GoodbyeCDnot rated
AnathemaA Fine Day to ExitCD4/3/2006****1:02:30
AnathemaA Natural DisasterCD11/3/2003****55:23

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