Complete list of orklord's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
AC/DCIf You Want Blood You've Got It [Remastered]CD11/27/1978****52:59
AC/DCLet There Be Rock [Remastered]CD4/29/2003**** 1/241:01
AC/DCPowerage [Remastered]CD5/25/1978****39:54
AC/DCStiff Upper Lip [Remastered]CD2/3/2000*** 1/247:26
AC/DCThe Razors Edge [Remastered]CD9/24/1990****46:42
AC/DCWho Made Who [Remastered]CD5/20/1986****37:57
AcceptBalls to the WallLP12/1/1983****44:56
Acda en de MunnikHier zijnCD10/30/2000****1:03:24
Acda en de MunnikNaar HuisCD9/7/1998****54:01
Acda en de MunnikRen Lenny RenCDnot rated
AcherontasFaustian EthosLP5/18/2018****48:46
AdramelchBroken HistoryCD9/11/2005****50:33
AerosmithDone With MirrorsLP11/9/1985****32:02
AerosmithJust Push PlayCDnot rated
AgallochPale FolkloreCD6/6/1999not rated1:02:06
AgallochThe MantleCD8/13/2002**** 1/21:08:25
Agent SteelAlienigmaCD8/31/2007****53:05
Agent SteelEarth Under LuciferCD10/6/2003*** 1/215:46
Agent SteelLive @ Dynamo Open AirDVD2005not rated
Agent SteelMad Locust RisingCD1/1/1986*** 1/211:44
Agent SteelOmega ConspiracyCD10/25/1999*** 1/258:10
Agent SteelOrder of the IlluminatiCD6/10/2003*****53:38
Agent SteelSkeptics ApocalypseLP6/1/1985****30:30

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