Complete list of nappyhead's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetBliss And Other Short StoriesBlack & Blue6:34not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetDance (4 Prince)Black & Blue6:18not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetDuettBlack & Blue2:15not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetMilesBlack & Blue14:40not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetNorth ShoreBlack & Blue6:47not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetSquare 1Black & Blue6:19not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetSwords CrossingBlack & Blue8:33not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetThe Rules Of The GameBlack & Blue12:46not rated1993
Wolfgang Muthspiel SextetVisionesBlack & Blue6:48not rated1993
Wolfgang PuschnigArmenian LongingOdem5:32not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigBoushouishaOdem10:15not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigFaithfulOdem4:23not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigHanullim ProjectOdem5:30not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigHochzeit Zu DrittOdem1:35not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigMeditation TheoryOdem4:29not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigMicrophone VeteranThe Hiphop And Jazz Mixtape - Chapter 14:58not rated2009
Wolfgang PuschnigPoetryNew Spirits In Jazz - Volume 55:27not rated2002
Wolfgang PuschnigPromiseOdem6:39not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigSoul RewindOdem6:00not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigStrained TiesOdem5:24not rated2005
Wolfgang PuschnigWorlds ApartOdem7:53not rated2005
Wolfram Featuring Hercules & Love AffairFireworks (Johan Agebjörn Remix)Hed Kandi - Serve Chilled - Electronic Summer - Disc 24:53not rated2011
WolfstoneHeart And SoulThe Rough Guide To Scottish Folk3:17not rated2000
Wollny - Kruse - SchaeferArsène Somnambule[em] 35:54not rated2008
Wollny - Kruse - SchaeferEphemere Phone[em] 31:39not rated2008

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