Complete list of nappyhead's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Wolfgang HaffnerNew LifeShapes3:36not rated2006
Wolfgang HaffnerNingShapes4:32not rated2006
Wolfgang HaffnerShapesShapes5:20not rated2006
Wolfgang HaffnerSilent WayShapes4:39not rated2006
Wolfgang HaffnerSome Other TimeShapes4:36not rated2006
Wolfgang HaffnerSpace CalzoneShapes8:35not rated2006
Wolfgang HaffnerTomorrow Never KnowsShapes4:47not rated2006
Wolfgang MottmanFunky TeahouseThe Mighty Mellow - Volume 3 - Some Other Kind Of Funk3:21not rated2000
Wolfgang Muthspiel32 SecondsPerspective6:15not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielBecausePerspective2:28not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielBlues For NefertitiPerspective6:14not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielDo You?Perspective4:28not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielGang Of 5Perspective12:50not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielLA NevadaThe Promise7:41not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielLaws Of PerspectivePerspective10:08not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielMy Funny ValentineThe Promise9:25not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielNew York Was Another StoryThe Promise5:28not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielNo Luck In ParisThe Promise6:35not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielNo, You Hang Up FirstPerspective4:42not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielOne More For IgorPerspective6:33not rated1996
Wolfgang MuthspielT.G.The Promise3:57not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielThe End Of The DayThe Promise8:12not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielThe PromiseThe Promise8:21not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielThe Sonic Presence Of David LeeThe Promise5:43not rated1991
Wolfgang MuthspielTrackingsThe Promise6:30not rated1991

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