Complete list of matthiasstrauss's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RainbirdsThe bird upthereRainbirds3:55not ratedCD1987
RainbirdsTime Comes Around To PassMusikexpress Nr. 104:17not ratedCD1997
RainbirdsWe make love fallingRainbirds3:32not ratedCD1987
Rainbow ArabiaSix Different WaysPerfect As Cats: A Tribute To The Cure2:45not ratedCD2008
RainerThe FarmUncut 2001.04 - 18 Track Guide to the Month's best Music4:09not ratedCD2001
RainerThe Good BookUncut 2000.11 - Uncut's Guide to the Month's best Music4:00not ratedCD2000
RainerWithin You Without YouRolling Stone Germany 1998.01 - Rare Trax 03 - Der andere Soundtrack - coole Filmmusik-Versionen8:48not ratedCD1998
RainerWithin You Without YouUncut 2008.08 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps5:46not ratedCD2008
Rainer PtacekWithin You, Without YouUncut 2001.06 - Why Don't We Do It In The Road?2:13not ratedCD2001
Rainer Trüby TrioDonaueschingenMusikexpress Nr. 13 - Compost Records6:04not ratedCD1998
Ralfe BandComfortably NumbMojo 2010.01 - The Wall Re-Built 26:23not ratedCD2009
Ralph Shuckett w- Richard ButlerAlabama SongLost in the Stars (The Music of Kurt Weill)4:26not ratedCD1985
Ralph StanleyO DeathSoundtrack - O Brother, Where Art Thou?3:19not ratedCD2001
Ralph StanleyOh DeathUncut 2005.05B - Bring It On Home - 15 Classic Tracks chosen by Robert Plant2:59not ratedCD2005
RAMIbo Lele (Dreams Come True)Soundtrack - Philadelphia4:14not ratedCD1993
Ramblin' Jack Elliott1913 Massacre'Til We Outnumber 'Em: Songs of Woody Guthrie5:22not ratedCD2000
Ramblin' Jack ElliottGrand Coulee DamUncut 2003.10 - In God's Country (Music That Inspired The Joshua Tree)2:24not ratedCD2003
Ramblin' Jack ElliottJust Like Tom Thumb's BluesSoundtrack - I'm not there6:56not ratedCD2007
Ramblin' Jack ElliottRoll On BuddyMojo 2010.08 - Boss Sounds1:57not ratedCD2010
Ramblin' Jack ElliottTalking Dust Bowl'Til We Outnumber 'Em: Songs of Woody Guthrie2:34not ratedCD2000
Rambling BoysRoll On BuddyMojo 2012.05 - The World of The Small Faces and Beyond1:59not ratedCD2012
RamonaNight BedsUncut 2013.03 - The Heart of Saturday Night4:07not ratedCD2013
RamonesBlitzkrieg Bop"The Tortellini Accident!" Taste The Originals2:14not ratedCD1994
RamonesBlitzkrieg Bop [Live]Uncut 2003.11 - Strange Currencies: 20 Track CD compiled exlusiveliy by R.E.M.1:39not ratedCD2003
RamonesI Wanna Be Your Boyfriend (demo)Mojo 2003.06 - Music Guide Volume 1: Instant Garage3:01not ratedCD2003

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