Complete list of matthiasstrauss's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RadioheadMorning Mr MagpieKing Of Limbs4:40not ratedCD2011
RadioheadMotion Picture SoundtrackKid A7:01not ratedCD2000
RadioheadMy Iron LungThe Bends4:36not ratedCD1995
RadioheadMy Iron LungGreatest Hits4:36not ratedCD2008
RadioheadMyxomatosis (Judge, Jury & Executioner)Hail To The Thief3:52not ratedCD2003
RadioheadNo SurprisesOK Computer3:48not ratedCD1997
RadioheadNo SurprisesGreatest Hits3:49not ratedCD2008
RadioheadNudeIn Rainbows4:15not ratedCD2007
RadioheadOptimisticGreatest Hits4:53not ratedCD2008
RadioheadOptimisticKid A5:16not ratedCD2000
RadioheadPackt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin BoxAmnesiac4:00not ratedCD2001
RadioheadParanoid AndroidOK Computer6:23not ratedCD1997
RadioheadParanoid AndroidGreatest Hits6:27not ratedCD2008
RadioheadPlanet TelexThe Bends4:18not ratedCD1995
RadioheadPulk/Pull Revolving DoorsAmnesiac4:07not ratedCD2001
RadioheadPyramid SongAmnesiac4:48not ratedCD2001
RadioheadPyramid SongGreatest Hits4:49not ratedCD2008
RadioheadReckonerIn Rainbows4:50not ratedCD2007
RadioheadSail To The Moon (Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky)Hail To The Thief4:18not ratedCD2003
RadioheadScatterbrain (As Dead as Leaves)Hail To The Thief3:21not ratedCD2003
RadioheadSeparatorKing Of Limbs5:21not ratedCD2011
RadioheadSit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders)Hail To The Thief4:19not ratedCD2003
RadioheadStreet Spirit (Fade Out)The Bends4:12not ratedCD1995
RadioheadStreet Spirit (Fade Out)Greatest Hits4:13not ratedCD2008
RadioheadSubterranean Homesick AlienOK Computer4:27not ratedCD1997

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