Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
PJ Harvey50Ft QueenieMP31993not rated13:02
PJ HarveyA Perfect Day EliseMP31998not rated15:50
PJ HarveyAll About EveMP32019not rated33:04
PJ HarveyBuild Me A Woman (Holland)MP31992not rated1:18:05
PJ HarveyDance Hall At Louse PointMP31996not rated39:50
PJ HarveyDown By The WaterMP31995not rated11:26
PJ HarveyDryMP31992not rated40:13
PJ HarveyDry & DemonstrationMP31992not rated1:19:29
PJ HarveyDry - DemosMP32020not rated39:26
PJ HarveyEurope '93 (Forum, London)MP31993not rated56:20
PJ HarveyGood FortuneMP32000not rated22:33
PJ HarveyHenry LeeMP31996not rated10:41
PJ HarveyIs This DesireMP31998not rated40:35
PJ HarveyIs This Desire? - DemosMP32021not rated39:24
PJ HarveyLet England ShakeMP32011not rated40:11
PJ HarveyLet England Shake - DemosMP32022not rated39:59
PJ HarveyManiac B-Sides 1991-1995MP31996not rated50:15
PJ HarveyRaritiesMP32001not rated25:53
PJ HarveyRid Of MeMP31993not rated48:05
PJ HarveyStories From The City, Stories From The SeaMP32000not rated47:19
PJ HarveyThe Hope Six Demolition Project - DemosMP32022not rated35:36
PJ HarveyThe Peel Sessions 1991-2004MP32006not rated41:49
PJ HarveyThe WindMP31995not rated10:23
PJ HarveyThis Is Love / You Said SomethingMP32000not rated10:52
PJ HarveyTo Bring You My LoveMP31995not rated42:35

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