Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Pink Talking Fish2020-03-06 - Park West, Chicago, ILMP3not rated2:58:12
Pink Talking Fish2020-07-25 - Gov Ball, Princeton, NJMP3not rated2:26:50
Pink Talking Fish2020-07-31 - Cheshire Fairgrounds, Swanzey, NHMP3not rated2:02:13
Pink Talking Fish2020-07-31 - Cheshire Fairgrounds, Swaney, NHMP3not rated2:02:13
Pink Talking Fish2020-09-18 - Jericho Drive-In, Glenmont, NYMP3not rated2:28:42
Pink Talking Fish2020-10-31 - Drive-In Live, Swanzey, NHMP3not rated1:42:57
Pink Talking Fish2021-05-30 - Susquehanna Valley Event Center, Selinsgrove, PAMP3not rated2:15:31
Pink Talking Fish2021-07-16 - Lincoln Hill Farms, Canandaigua, NYMP3not rated2:37:42
Pink Talking Fish2021-10-15 - Ardmore Music Hall, Ardmore, PAMP3not rated2:55:17
Pink Talking Fish2021-10-17 - Infinity Hall, Norfolk, CTMP3not rated2:11:06
Pink Talking Fish2021-11-14 - The Recher, Towson, MDMP3not rated2:04:23
Pink Talking FishWoodlands Tavern, Columbus, OHMP3not rated3:08:29
PinkshinyultrablastEverything Else MattersMP32015not rated59:51
PinkshinyultrablastGrandfeatheredMP32016not rated54:24
PinkshinyultrablastHappy Songs For Happy ZombiesMP32009not rated13:46
PinkshinyultrablastHoly ForestMP32015not rated19:59
PinkshinyultrablastKiddy Pool DreamsMP32015not rated6:02
PinkshinyultrablastMiserable MiraclesMP32018not rated36:58
PinkshinyultrablastRavestar SupremeMP32015not rated12:55
PinkshinyultrablastThe Cherry PitMP32016not rated8:10
pinkshinyultrablastUmiMP32014not rated4:54
Pirates Of The MississippiBest Of The Pirates Of The MississippiMP31994not rated44:18
PiroshkaBrickbatMP32019not rated43:20
Pistol AnniesAnnie UpMP32013not rated42:35
Pistol AnniesHell of a HolidayMP32021not rated42:19

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