Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Blue NileA Walk Across The RooftopsCD1984not rated38:12
The Blue NileA Walk Across The RooftopsCD1984not rated38:12
The Blue NileHatsCD2012not rated1:12:05
The Blue NilePeace At LastCD1996not rated44:53
The BluesBonesVoodoo GuitarCD2012not rated56:56
The BoDeansGo Slow DownCD1993not rated50:41
The BogmenLife Begins At 40 MillionCD1995not rated52:10
The Boo RadleysGiant StepsCD1993not rated1:04:09
The Boomtown RatsA Tonic For The TroopsCD2005not rated49:31
The Boomtown RatsA Tonic For The TroopsCD1978not rated44:07
The Boomtown RatsBack To BoomtownCDnot rated1:05:15
The Boomtown RatsMondo BongoCD12/1980not rated42:00
The Boomtown RatsThe Boomtown RatsCD2005not rated56:23
The Boomtown RatsThe Fine Art Of Surfacing - A Tonic For The TroopsCD1987not rated52:54
The Boomtown RatsV DeepCD2005not rated58:44
The Boxer RebellionBest 2005-2013CD2013not rated2:35:30
The Boxer RebellionUnionCD2009not rated45:14
The Boyz From BrazilThe Boyz From BrazilCD2003not rated1:00:59
The BreedersSafari EPCD1992not rated12:11
The Brian Jonestown MassacreAufhebenCD2012not rated51:08
The Brian Jonestown MassacreMethodroneCD1995not rated1:12:05
The Brian Jonestown MassacreMy Bloody UndergroundCD3/31/2008not rated1:18:35
The BronxThe BronxCD2006not rated33:55
The BronxThe BronxCD2003not rated28:49
The Bryan Ferry OrchestraThe Jazz AgeCD2012not rated37:43

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