Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Beach BoysLive: The 50th Anniversary TourCD2013not rated2:04:17
The Beach BoysPet SoundsCD1966not rated35:58
The Beach BoysSurf's UpCD1971not rated33:32
The Beach BoysThat's Why God Made The RadioCD2012not rated38:42
The Beach BoysThe Beach Boys' Christmas AlbumCD1964not rated27:54
The Beach BoysToday!CD1965not rated29:07
The Beatles1CD2000*****1:19:08
The Beatles1962-1966 : The Red AlbumCD10/5/1993not rated1:02:32
The Beatles1967-1970 : The Blue AlbumCD10/5/1993****1:39:16
The BeatlesA Hard Day's NightCD1964not rated30:50
The BeatlesAbbey RoadCD1969not rated47:16
The BeatlesAbbey RoadCD1969**** 1/247:24
The BeatlesI Saw Her Standing ThereCD2013not rated2:05:22
The BeatlesLive At The BBCCD6/4/2001not rated2:13:01
The BeatlesLoveCD2006* 1/21:18:51
The BeatlesOn Air Live at the BBC Volume 2CD2013not rated2:10:05
The BeatlesRevolverCD1966not rated34:58
The BeatlesRubber SoulCD1965not rated35:25
The BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandCD1967not rated39:43
The BeatlesThe Orange AlbumCD2014not rated1:18:48
The BeatlesWhite AlbumCD8/24/1987not rated1:33:29
The BeatlesWhite AlbumCD1968not rated1:32:43
The BeatlesWith The BeatlesCD1963not rated33:00
The BeatlesYellow SubmarineCD1966***40:13
The Beau BrummelsTriangleCD1967not rated28:28

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