Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Pekka PohjolaJokamiesCD1984not rated37:38
Pekka PohjolaMathematician's Air DisplayCD1977not rated34:43
Pekka PohjolaPihkasilmä KaarnakorvaCD1972not rated33:13
Pekka PohjolaVisitationCD1979not rated32:06
Pell, Axel RudiShadow ZoneCD2002** 1/21:01:27
Pendragon9:15 LiveCD1986***1:00:21
PendragonAcoustically ChallengedCD2002**** 1/258:22
Pendragonand now everybody to the stageCD2008**** 1/22:11:16
PendragonAs Good As GoldCD1996****21:26
PendragonFallen Dreams & AngelsCD1994not rated25:12
PendragonLive In Krakow 1996CD1997****1:10:14
PendragonMasquerade OvertureCD1996not rated1:15:48
PendragonNot Of This WorldCD2001**** 1/21:16:22
PendragonOnce upon a time in England (A collection of rarities from 1978 onwars)CD1999** 1/21:03:41
PendragonOnce Upon A Time In England Volume 2CD1999** 1/259:53
PendragonOverture 1984 - 1996CD2001*****1:07:31
PendragonPassionCD4/11/2011*** 1/254:45
PendragonPureCD2008**** 1/253:22
PendragonThe JewelCD1985***57:19
PendragonThe Masquerade OvertureCD1996*****57:01
PendragonThe Rest Of PendragonCD1990**58:19
PendragonThe Round TableCD2001not rated1:07:20
PendragonThe Very Very Bootleg, Live In Lille, France, 1992CD2000***52:17

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