Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
PavementCrooked Rain, Crooked Rain: L.A.'s Desert OriginsCD2004not rated2:38:23
PavementSlanted & EnchantedCD1992not rated39:04
PavementSlanted & Enchanted: Luxe & ReduxeCD2002not rated2:18:51
Pavlov's DogAt The Sound Of The BellCD1976not rated33:38
Pavlov's DogEcho & BooCD2010not rated51:27
Pavlov's DogEnd Of The World EPCD1995not rated19:35
Pavlov's DogHas Anyone Here Seen Sigfried?CD2007not rated1:19:51
Pavlov's DogLive and Unleashed (Live)CD2010not rated1:16:02
Pavlov's DogLive At the Ford Auditorion 1976CD1976not rated59:40
Pavlov's DogLive In NYCCD1975not rated50:06
Pavlov's DogLost In AmericaCD1990not rated39:18
Pavlov's DogLost In America (2007 Remastered)CD1990not rated1:19:18
Pavlov's DogPampered MenialCD1975not rated33:56
Pavlov's DogThirdCD1977not rated34:06
Pär Lindh & Björn JohanssonDreamsongs from Middle EarthCD2004not rated1:03:37
PBIIPlastic SoupCD2010not rated1:09:16
Peace OrchestraPeace OrchestraCD1999** 1/257:21
Peace OrchestraResetCD2002not rated1:13:34
PeachGiving Birth To A StoneCD2000***44:34
PeachesImpeach My BushCD2006not rated41:12
Peachy KeenBackseat BingoCD2012not rated16:05
Peanut Butter ConspiracyIs SpreadingCD1967not rated30:45
Peanut Butter ConspiracyThe Great ConspiracyCD1968not rated48:30
Pearl Jam2008 Annual Holiday Release (Santa Cruz / Golden State)CD2009not rated6:34
Pearl Jam2009 Annual Holiday Release (Turning Mist)CD2010not rated9:22

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