Complete list of joebugs's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Dire StraitsHeavy FuelDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:10not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsHeavy FuelOn Every Street4:56not ratedCD9/1991
Dire StraitsHeavy FuelSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits5:01not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsHeavy FuelOn The Night5:23not ratedCD5/11/1993
Dire StraitsHow LongOn Every Street3:49not ratedCD9/1991
Dire StraitsHow LongDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19913:49not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsIn The GalleryDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19916:16not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsIndustrial DiseaseDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:50not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsIron HandDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19913:09not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsIron HandOn Every Street3:09not ratedCD9/1991
Dire StraitsIt Never RainsDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19917:59not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsLady WriterDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19913:45not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsLady WriterSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits3:49not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsLes BoysDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19914:08not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsLionsDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:03not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsLocal Hero/Wild ThemeEncores4:20not ratedCD5/24/1993
Dire StraitsLocal Hero/Wild ThemeSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits4:24not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsLove Over GoldSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits3:40not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsLove Over GoldDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19916:17not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsMoney For NothingDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19918:26not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsMoney For NothingSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits4:09not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsMoney For NothingOn The Night6:28not ratedCD5/11/1993
Dire StraitsMy PartiesOn Every Street5:32not ratedCD9/1991
Dire StraitsMy PartiesDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:33not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsNewsDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19914:14not rated6CD2020

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