Complete list of joebugs's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Dire StraitsOn Every StreetDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:04not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsOn Every StreetOn Every Street5:04not ratedCD9/1991
Dire StraitsOn Every StreetSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits4:39not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsOn Every StreetOn The Night7:01not ratedCD5/11/1993
Dire StraitsOnce Upon A Time In The WestDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:25not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsOne WorldDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19913:40not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsPlanet Of New OrleansDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19917:48not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsPlanet Of New OrleansOn Every Street7:48not ratedCD9/1991
Dire StraitsPortobello BelleDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19914:29not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsPrivate InvestigationsDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19916:46not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsPrivate InvestigationsSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits5:54not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsPrivate InvestigationsOn The Night9:43not ratedCD5/11/1993
Dire StraitsRide Across The RiverDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19916:58not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsRomeo And JulietDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19916:01not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsRomeo And JulietSultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits6:05not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsRomeo And JulietOn The Night10:05not ratedCD5/11/1993
Dire StraitsSetting Me UpDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19913:19not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsSingle-Handed SailorDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19914:42not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsSix Blade KnifeDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19914:13not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsSkateawayDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19916:40not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsSo Far AwayDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19915:11not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsSo Far AwaySultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits4:03not ratedCD11/10/1998
Dire StraitsSolid RockEncores5:21not ratedCD5/24/1993
Dire StraitsSolid RockDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19913:27not rated6CD2020
Dire StraitsSouthbound AgainDire Straits: The Studio Albums 1978-19912:59not rated6CD2020

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