Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MandalabandMagdalenaAD - Sangreal7:08****CD8/11/2011
MandalabandNimrodBC - Ancestors4:52***CD2009
MandalabandOzymandias ##BC - Ancestors4:50**** 1/2CD2009
MandalabandPalatium BritannicumAD - Sangreal4:26*** 1/2CD8/11/2011
MandalabandRootsBC - Ancestors6:58***CD2009
MandalabandSancto LaurentAD - Sangreal2:50****CD8/11/2011
MandalabandSaracens ##AD - Sangreal7:45**** 1/2CD8/11/2011
MandalabandShemsu HarBC - Ancestors3:04***CD2009
MandalabandSolomon The Wise ##BC - Ancestors5:35**** 1/2CD2009
MandalabandThe Kingdom Of Aragon #AD - Sangreal6:34****CD8/11/2011
MandalabandThe Sons of Anak #BC - Ancestors4:50****CD2009
MandalabandThe Wine-Dark SeaBC - Ancestors4:24***CD2009
MandalabandUnholy Orders #AD - Sangreal4:24****CD8/11/2011
MandalabandVisigoths #AD - Sangreal6:40****CD8/11/2011
MandragoraA Traveller's Dream ##Live At Posthof8:51**** 1/2CD1998
MandragoraAb Uzeluf #Pollen7:48****CD1998
MandragoraAround The World (Live) #Earthdance7:23****LP1992
MandragoraAround the world (live) ##Earthdance7:23**** 1/2CD1993
MandragoraBliss The SkyPollen5:34***CD1998
MandragoraBushfireLive At Posthof3:59***CD1998
MandragoraChck On This!Pollen6:29***CD1998
MandragoraCoffee Shop JigPollen4:38*** 1/2CD1998
MandragoraDancing Round The Fire #Over The Moon6:35*** 1/2LP1988
MandragoraDr Temples AbductionTemple Ball Live '941:26not ratedCD1994
MandragoraDr Temples AbductionTemple Ball Live '941:26not ratedLP1994

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