Title |
Album |
Duration |
Rating |
Format |
Released |
Lee, Albert | Schon Rosmarin | Gagged But Not Bound | 2:19 | *** 1/2 | LP | 8/26/1988 |
Lee, Albert | Send Me Back To The Mines | Black Claw & Country Fever | 2:45 | *** 1/2 | CD | 1991 |
Lee, Albert | Setting Me Up | Hiding/ Albert Lee | 3:21 | **** | CDR | 2004 |
Lee, Albert | Setting Me Up | Hiding | 3:23 | **** | LP | 1979 |
Lee, Albert | Seventeenth Summer | Speechless | 5:34 | **** | CD | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | Seventeenth Summer | Speechless | | not rated | CD | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | Six Days On The Road | Black Claw & Country Fever | 2:58 | *** 1/2 | CD | 1991 |
Lee, Albert | So Sad (To Watch Good Love Go Bad) ## | Hiding/ Albert Lee | 3:56 | ***** | CDR | 2004 |
Lee, Albert | So Sad (To Watch Good Love Go Bad) ## | Albert Lee (Reissue) | 3:54 | ***** | LP | 1982 |
Lee, Albert | Soft Word Sunday morning | Country Guitar Man | | ** 1/2 | LP | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | Something You Got | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 0:01 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | Somewhere Down The Road | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 0:01 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | Spellbound | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 0:01 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | St. Louis | Black Claw & Country Fever | 3:16 | *** | CD | 1991 |
Lee, Albert | Stormy Monday Blues | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 0:01 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | Stripes | Country Guitar Man | | ** | LP | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | Sweet Little Lisa ## | Hiding/ Albert Lee | 3:09 | ***** | CDR | 2004 |
Lee, Albert | Sweet Little Lisa ## | Albert Lee (Reissue) | 3:06 | ***** | LP | 1982 |
Lee, Albert | T-Bird To Vegas | Speechless | | not rated | CD | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | T-Bird To Vegas ## | Speechless | 3:25 | ***** | CD | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | Take Your Time | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 0:01 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | Taking My Music To The Man # | Country Guitar Man | | *** 1/2 | LP | 1986 |
Lee, Albert | Tear It Up (Encore) | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 1:34:00 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | Tear Stained Letter | 70th Birthday Celebration (2 x DVD) | 0:01 | not rated | DVD | 2015 |
Lee, Albert | Tears Of Rage | Black Claw & Country Fever | 4:01 | ** 1/2 | CD | 1991 |