Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kottke, LeoCrow River Waltz /Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring / Jack Fig ##My Feet Are Smiling7:34*****LP1973
Kottke, LeoCzech Bounce #That's What3:38***CD1990
Kottke, LeoDeath By ReputationLeo Kottke4:07*** 1/2LP1976
Kottke, LeoDisguiseBalance3:12***LP1979
Kottke, LeoDolores #Balance4:09*** 1/2LP1979
Kottke, LeoDon't You Think #Chewing Pine (Reissue)3:30****LP1975
Kottke, LeoDriverGreat Big Boy/Peculiaroso (2 LP's on One CD)3:32***CD1991
Kottke, LeoDrowningBalance3:24** 1/2LP1979
Kottke, LeoEasterMy Feet Are Smiling3:20****LP1973
Kottke, LeoEaster AgainA Shout Toward Noon3:06****CD1986
Kottke, LeoEchoeing GilewitzA Shout Toward Noon2:59****CD1986
Kottke, LeoEgg Tooth #My Feet Are Smiling5:15**** 1/2LP1973
Kottke, LeoEmbryonic Journey #Balance3:17****LP1979
Kottke, LeoEndless Sleep #Burnt Lips3:38***LP1978
Kottke, LeoEverybody LiesBurnt Lips2:21** 1/2LP1978
Kottke, LeoFirst To GoA Shout Toward Noon5:09****CD1986
Kottke, LeoFour Four NorthA Shout Toward Noon2:30****CD1986
Kottke, LeoFrank ForgetsBurnt Lips2:12** 1/2LP1978
Kottke, LeoFrom the Cradle to the GraveGreenhouse3:25***LP1972
Kottke, LeoGreat Big BoyGreat Big Boy/Peculiaroso (2 LP's on One CD)3:38***CD1991
Kottke, LeoGrim To The Brim #Chewing Pine (Reissue)3:09****LP1975
Kottke, LeoHayseed Suede #Leo Kottke2:45****LP1976
Kottke, LeoHear the Wind HowlMy Feet Are Smiling3:11** 1/2LP1973
Kottke, LeoHere Comes That Rainbow AgainTime Step3:14***LP1983
Kottke, LeoHole In The DayDreams And All That Stuff2:50not ratedLP1974

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