Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandI'm A King BeeLive! In Chicago4:54*****CD9/27/2010
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandIn 2 Deep #Live On3:15****CD1999
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandKing's HighwayLive! In Chicago7:02**** 1/2CD9/27/2010
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandKing's Highway ##Trouble Is...4:17****CD1997
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLast GoodbyeLive On4:33*** 1/2CD1999
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLay It On Down #Lay It On Down4:14****CD7/21/2017
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLay it on down ( Acoustic ) #Lay It On Down4:15****CD7/21/2017
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLive On #Live On4:35****CD1999
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLooking Back ##Goin' Home4:06*****CD4/2014
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLosing Kind #Live On4:31****CD1999
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandLouisiana RainLay It On Down3:51*** 1/2CD7/21/2017
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandNever Lookin' BackHow I Go (Special Edition)4:15****CD2011
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandNever Lookin' Back #BLUES FURY : THE NEW ROCK REVOLUTION [CLASSIC ROCK PRESENTS]4:17*** 1/2CD2012
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandNever Mind #Live On3:58****CD1999
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandNothing But The NightLay It On Down4:54*** 1/2CD7/21/2017
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandNothing To Do With Love ##Trouble Is...4:49*** 1/2CD1997
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandOh WellLive On3:37*** 1/2CD1999
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandOh, Pretty WomanHow I Go (Special Edition)3:52**** 1/2CD2011
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandPalace Of The KingGoin' Home3:48*** 1/2CD4/2014
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandRide Of Your Life #Lay It On Down4:01****CD7/21/2017
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandRocking DaddyLive! In Chicago3:55****CD9/27/2010
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandRound And RoundHow I Go (Special Edition)3:47****CD2011
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandSell My MonkeyLive! In Chicago4:18*****CD9/27/2010
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandShe's $$$ #Lay It On Down4:07****CD7/21/2017
Kenny Wayne Shepherd BandShotgun Blues ##Live On4:49**** 1/2CD1999

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