Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Soup DragonsI'm FreeThe Anthems [Disc 2 of 2]3:23*** 1/2CD2006
The Spectres(We Aint' Got) Nothing YetMaximum '65 (Comp.)2:21not ratedCD2000
The SpifiresLoaded GunStraight From The Gutter And Into Your Panties3:39**CD2000
The Stanley BrothersCotton-Eyed JoeEssential Bluegrass Anthology (Disc 2)1:13***2CD2008
The Stanley BrothersI'm A Man Of Constant SorrowEssential Bluegrass Anthology (Disc 1)2:57** 1/22CD2008
The Stanley BrothersThe Fields Have Turned BrownEssential Bluegrass Anthology (Disc 2)2:33** 1/22CD2008
The Stanley BrothersThis Little Glass Of WineEssential Bluegrass Anthology (Disc 2)3:05*** 1/22CD2008
The Stanley BrothersToo Late To CryEssential Bluegrass Anthology (Disc 1)2:59** 1/22CD2008
The Star SpanglesAngelaBazooka!!!*CD2003
The Star SpanglesCrime of the CenturyBazooka!!!*CD2003
The Star SpanglesI Don't Wanna Be Crazy Anymore #Bazooka!!!**CD2003
The Star SpanglesI Live for SpeedBazooka!!!* 1/2CD2003
The Star SpanglesI'll Get Her BackBazooka!!!* 1/2CD2003
The Star SpanglesIf We Can't Be LoversBazooka!!!* 1/2CD2003
The Star SpanglesIn Love AgainBazooka!!!* 1/2CD2003
The Star SpanglesL.A.Bazooka!!!*CD2003
The Star SpanglesParty #Bazooka!!!**CD2003
The Star SpanglesScience Fiction/Science FactBazooka!!!* 1/2CD2003
The Star SpanglesStain Glass ShoesBazooka!!!*CD2003
The Star SpanglesStay Away From MeBazooka!!!* 1/2CD2003
The Star SpanglesWhich of the Two of Us Is Gonna Burn This House Down?Bazooka!!!*CD2003
The Stereo MC'sStep It UpThe Anthems [Disc 2 of 2]3:53***CD2006
The StickersLittle LadyRemembering Lennon & The Beatles (Sunday Express Newspaper - UK)2:46not ratedCD2005
The Stone ElectricTequila Mockingbird #BLUES FURY : THE NEW ROCK REVOLUTION [CLASSIC ROCK PRESENTS]4:53*** 1/2CD2012
The Stone RosesBegging YouThe Anthems [Disc 2 of 2]4:44***CD2006

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