Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Solar ProjectThe Meaning Of It All Back And ForthAquarmada (Ltd. Edition of 100 Copies White Vinyl)5:59*** 1/2LP2014
Solar ProjectThe Subconscious And It's Reflections #Aquarmada (Ltd. Edition of 100 Copies White Vinyl)4:25****LP2014
Solar ProjectThe VoiceWorld Games4:27***CD1992
Solar ProjectThird SceneWorld Games0:26not ratedCD1992
Solar ProjectTime (Part 1) ##In Time7:33**** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectTime (Part 2) ##In Time8:15**** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectTime OutIn Time7:12*** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectTime To Die Part 1In Time3:04** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectTime To Die Part 2In Time3:50*** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectTime To Die Part 3In Time9:01*** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectTime To Die Part 4In Time7:03***CD1997
Solar ProjectTime To Die Part 5In Time1:34***CD1997
Solar ProjectTime To Die Part 6In Time2:36*** 1/2CD1997
Solar ProjectWhat Have We DoneAquarmada (Ltd. Edition of 100 Copies White Vinyl)8:45*** 1/2LP2014
Solar ProjectWhisperings From AquarmadaHere I Am (Ltd.Edition)6:37***LP2015
Solar ProjectWhisperings From Aquarmada #Here I Am6:37****CD2015
Solar ProjectWhiteChromagnitude7:48*** 1/2CD2007
Solar ProjectWorld GamesWorld Games3:12***CD1992
Solar ProjectYellowChromagnitude9:20*** 1/2CD2007
Solar ProjectZeitgeist #In Time6:02****CD1997
SolarisA Kígyó Szive #Solaris 1990 (2 CD Reissue)3:20**** 1/2CD1996
SolarisA Sárga Kör = The Yellow Circle ## (Bonus Track)Marsbéli Krónikák = The Martian Chronicles (Reissue)4:54*****CD1984
SolarisA Viking VisszatérSolaris 1990 (2 CD Reissue)4:00****CD1996
SolarisApocalypseLive In Los Angeles (2CD)3:48****2CD1996
SolarisApokalipszis = Apokalypse ##Marsbéli Krónikák = The Martian Chronicles (Reissue)3:44*****CD1984

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