Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Simon & GarfunkelBridge over troubled waterMusic Legends4:52*** 1/2CD2003
Simon & GarfunkelBridge Over Troubled Water ##Greatest Hits4:52*****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelCecilia ##Greatest Hits2:55*****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelEl Condor Pasa (If I Could)Greatest Hits3:06****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelFor Emily Wherever I May Find HerGreatest Hits2:04****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelHomeward BoundGreatest Hits2:30****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelI Am A Rock #Greatest Hits2:50**** 1/2LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelKathy's SongGreatest Hits3:16***LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelMrs Robinson ##Greatest Hits4:02*****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelScarborough Fair/ Canticle ##Greatest Hits3:08*****LP1972
Simon & GarfunkelSound Of Silence ##Greatest Hits3:02*****LP1972
Simon's SecretsI Know What Her Name IsThe Perfumed Garden (Disc 4)2:08** 1/2CD2009
Simon, CarlyAnticipationNever Been Gone (Promo)4:51not ratedCD3/28/2010
Simon, CarlyBack Down To EarthBoys In The Trees (HDCD)3:09** 1/2CD1978
Simon, CarlyBoys In The TreesBoys In The Trees (HDCD)3:15***CD1978
Simon, CarlyBoys In The TreesNever Been Gone (Promo)4:26not ratedCD3/28/2010
Simon, CarlyComing Around AgainNever Been Gone (Promo)4:52not ratedCD3/28/2010
Simon, CarlyDe Bat (Fly In Me Face)Boys In The Trees (HDCD)2:29***CD1978
Simon, CarlyDevoted To YouBoys In The Trees (HDCD)2:30** 1/2CD1978
Simon, CarlyDon't Smoke In Bed ##Film Noir2:56****CD1997
Simon, CarlyEv'ry Time We Say Goodbye #Film Noir4:35*** 1/2CD1997
Simon, CarlyFilm NoirFilm Noir3:36** 1/2CD1997
Simon, CarlyFools CodaFilm Noir1:14***CD1997
Simon, CarlyFor Old Times SakeBoys In The Trees (HDCD)3:40***CD1978
Simon, CarlyHauntingBoys In The Trees (HDCD)2:30**CD1978

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