Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Pierre Moerlen's GongThe BenderTime Is The Key3:20*** 1/2LP1979
Pierre Moerlen's GongThe Organ Grinder ##Time Is The Key3:57**** 1/2LP1979
Pierre Moerlen's GongTime And SpaceSecond Wind5:27not ratedCD1988
Pierre Moerlen's GongTime Is The Key #Time Is The Key2:22****LP1979
Pig Iron...And The Bodies FallThe Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave3:57****CD2007
Pig IronAnother Mule ( Is kicking in my stall) ##The Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave4:48**** 1/2CD2007
Pig IronBattle Malady #The Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave5:41****CD2007
Pig IronBootlace Noose #IV7:45*** 1/2CD2012
Pig IronCarve Your NameIV4:59***CD2012
Pig IronChapter 6 #IV2:04*** 1/2CD2012
Pig IronDiggin' in the WellIV5:06** 1/2CD2012
Pig IronGolden #Southern Rock Uprising7:12*** 1/2CD2008
Pig IronGood Man, Poor ManIV7:29** 1/2CD2012
Pig IronGrave's EndIV1:09not ratedCD2012
Pig IronHellacious DaysThe Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave4:15**** 1/2CD2007
Pig IronHorseshoes & Hand Grenades #IV4:02*** 1/2CD2012
Pig IronLord, Kill The PainSin City - 20 Hell Raising Tracks5:07not ratedCD2005
Pig IronLord, Kill The Pain #The Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave5:50*** 1/2CD2007
Pig IronLow Grade Man ##IV6:37****CD2012
Pig IronRuler Of Tomorrow ##The Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave4:56**** 1/2CD2007
Pig IronSon Of A Bitch #The Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave5:01*** 1/2CD2007
Pig IronThe Ballad Of Thulsa DoomThe Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave4:29*** 1/2CD2007
Pig IronThe Curse of An Aching HeartIV3:32***CD2012
Pig IronThe Tide WithinIV7:23** 1/2CD2012
Pig IronWhat We Do ##The Paths Of Glory...Lead But To The Grave4:56****CD2007

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