Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Omega | Gammapolis 1 # | Gammapolis | 4:03 | **** | LP | 1979 |
Omega | Gammapolis 2 # | Gammapolis | 7:21 | **** | LP | 1979 |
Omega | Hajnal A Város Felett | Gammapolis | 7:08 | **** | LP | 1979 |
Omega | Három csendes nap (Three Quiet Days) | XI. | 4:25 | *** 1/2 | LP | 1982 |
Omega | Kötéltánc (Rope) # | XI. | 3:25 | *** 1/2 | LP | 1982 |
Omega | Kenyér és információ (Bread and Information) # | XI. | 3:39 | **** | LP | 1982 |
Omega | Nyári Éjek Asszonya | Gammapolis | 4:31 | *** 1/2 | LP | 1979 |
Omega | Orültek Órája ## | Gammapolis | 5:09 | **** 1/2 | LP | 1979 |
Omega | Start # | Gammapolis | 2:25 | **** | LP | 1979 |
Omega | Szemközt a rózsaszÃnnel (Opposite The Pink) # | XI. | 4:30 | *** 1/2 | LP | 1982 |
Omega | Teli Vadaszat (Winter Hunting) | XI. | 3:19 | *** | LP | 1982 |
On A Saturday | Keith West # | Tomorrow featuring Keith West | 3:13 | **** | CD | 1968 |
One Hour Mama | Ida Cox | Blue Ladies | 2:56 | not rated | CD | 1995 |
One Minute Silence | Stuck Between A Rock And A White Face | Kerrang 1988 | 3:17 | not rated | CD with Bonus CD Rom Track | 1998 |
Only Until | (Excerpt From) Oscilloscope Rhythms | Classic Rock Presents Prog: Prognosis 8 | 8:02 | **** | CD | 2010 |
Onyx | Air # | A Visit To The Spaceship Factory | 4:00 | **** | 2LP | 2007 |
Open Mind | Magic Potion # | The Perfumed Garden (Disc 1) | 3:33 | *** 1/2 | CD | 2009 |
Opeth | Dirge For November | Prognosis 11 | 8:30 | not rated | CD | 2010 |
Opeth | Famine | Heritage | 8:32 | ** 1/2 | CD | 9/2011 |
Opeth | Folklore # | Heritage | 8:19 | **** | CD | 9/2011 |
Opeth | Häxprocess | Heritage | 6:58 | ** 1/2 | CD | 9/2011 |
Opeth | Heritage # | Heritage | 2:05 | **** | CD | 9/2011 |
Opeth | I Feel The Dark | Heritage | 6:40 | *** | CD | 9/2011 |
Opeth | Marrow Of The Earth # | Heritage | 4:21 | **** | CD | 9/2011 |
Opeth | Nepenthe | Heritage | 5:40 | *** | CD | 9/2011 |