Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
OmegaGammapolis 1 #Gammapolis4:03****LP1979
OmegaGammapolis 2 #Gammapolis7:21****LP1979
OmegaHajnal A Város FelettGammapolis7:08****LP1979
OmegaHárom csendes nap (Three Quiet Days)XI.4:25*** 1/2LP1982
OmegaKötéltánc (Rope) #XI.3:25*** 1/2LP1982
OmegaKenyér és információ (Bread and Information) #XI.3:39****LP1982
OmegaNyári Éjek AsszonyaGammapolis4:31*** 1/2LP1979
OmegaOrültek Órája ##Gammapolis5:09**** 1/2LP1979
OmegaStart #Gammapolis2:25****LP1979
OmegaSzemközt a rózsaszínnel (Opposite The Pink) #XI.4:30*** 1/2LP1982
OmegaTeli Vadaszat (Winter Hunting)XI.3:19***LP1982
On A SaturdayKeith West #Tomorrow featuring Keith West3:13****CD1968
One Hour MamaIda CoxBlue Ladies2:56not ratedCD1995
One Minute SilenceStuck Between A Rock And A White FaceKerrang 19883:17not ratedCD with Bonus CD Rom Track1998
Only Until(Excerpt From) Oscilloscope RhythmsClassic Rock Presents Prog: Prognosis 88:02****CD2010
OnyxAir #A Visit To The Spaceship Factory4:00****2LP2007
Open MindMagic Potion #The Perfumed Garden (Disc 1)3:33*** 1/2CD2009
OpethDirge For NovemberPrognosis 118:30not ratedCD2010
OpethFamineHeritage8:32** 1/2CD9/2011
OpethFolklore #Heritage8:19****CD9/2011
OpethHäxprocessHeritage6:58** 1/2CD9/2011
OpethHeritage #Heritage2:05****CD9/2011
OpethI Feel The DarkHeritage6:40***CD9/2011
OpethMarrow Of The Earth #Heritage4:21****CD9/2011

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