Complete list of javnick's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Lens, TheA Word In Your EyeCD2001**** 1/254:00
Lens, TheRegenerationCD10/22/2010****59:40
Leonard, DekeIcebergLP1973***47:42
Leonard, PatrickRiversCD2000not rated48:29
LiarSet The World On Fire (Pic Disc)LP (Pic Disc)1978***
Lies Of SmilesCross & ClawCD2010****40:59
Lies of SmilesDreams of the MachinoixCD2005****52:18
LifeLife After Death (Reissue)LP1974****45:35
Light RainDream SuiteLP1979****38:54
LighthouseThe Best Of Lighthouse (Comp).LP1976*** 1/244:24
Lightman, AaronAaron LightmanCD2008not rated41:25
Lightning HopkinsForever GoldCD1999** 1/253:48
Lily & MariaLily & Maria (Unofficial Reissue)LP2003****33:42
LimeySameLP1975** 1/2
LindisfarneBack And FourthLP1978***38:23
LindisfarneMagic In The Air (Live DBL)2LP1978***1:17:08
Lipscomb, ManceMance Lipscomb Vol. 4LP1967****
Lipscomb, ManceMance Lipscomb Vol. 5LP1970****39:50
Lipscomb, ManceTexas Sharecropper And Songster (Ltd. Edition Reissue of 600 Green)LP1960****38:46
Lipscomb, ManceTexas Songster (Comp.)CD1960****1:01:06
Lipscomb, ManceTexas Songster Volume 2 (Reissue)LP1964**** 1/239:37
Lipscomb, ManceTexas Songster Volume 2 - You Got To Reap What You SowCD1993****1:14:52
Lipscomb, ManceThe Best Of Mance Lipscomb (Comp)CD2009****
Lipscomb, ManceVol. 3: Texas Songster In A Live Performance (Reissue)LP1966****35:15
Lipscomb, ManceVolume 6LP1974**** 1/236:22

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