Complete list of javnick's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Kottke, LeoBalanceLP1979***32:36
Kottke, LeoBurnt LipsLP1978***40:38
Kottke, LeoChewing Pine (Reissue)LP1975****32:34
Kottke, LeoDreams And All That StuffLP1974not rated30:03
Kottke, LeoGreat Big Boy/Peculiaroso (2 LP's on One CD)CD1991*** 1/21:09:46
Kottke, LeoGreenhouseLP1972****36:25
Kottke, LeoGuitar Music (White Label)LP1981*** 1/234:51
Kottke, LeoIce WaterLP1974*** 1/237:59
Kottke, LeoLeo KottkeLP1976****30:06
Kottke, LeoMy Feet Are SmilingLP1973****43:59
Kottke, LeoThat's WhatCD1990** 1/237:34
Kottke, LeoTime StepLP1983***32:52
Kottke, Leo. Peter Lang & John FaheyLeo Kottke / Peter Lang / John FaheyCD1974****36:21
Kottke, Leo. Peter Lang & John FaheyLeo Kottke, Peter Lang, John Fahey (Reissue)LP1974****35:53
Kotzev, NikoloNikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus2CD10/9/2001*** 1/21:41:26
KraanLet It OutLP1975*** 1/238:30
Kravetz, Jean-JacquesKravetz (Remastered)CD1972*** 1/238:02
Kravitz, LennyLet Love RuleCD*** 1/242:31
KrelOut Of SpaceCD2003***54:28
Kristina, SonjaHarmonics Of LoveCD1994*** 1/245:09
Kristina, SonjaSonja Kristina (Reissue)CD1980*** 1/238:17
Krokodil (British)NachashCD2014not rated45:02
Krokodil (Swiss)Getting Up For The Morning (Reissue)CD1972****40:19
KrokusMetal RendezvousLP1980***
Kweskin, JimooCDnot rated

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