Complete list of geoff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YesRun With The FoxYesyears4:08not ratedMP31991
YesShoot High Aim LowYesyears6:59not ratedMP31991
YesSiberian KhatruThe Ultimate Yes8:57not ratedMP3
YesSomething's ComingYesyears7:06not ratedMP31991
YesSoonThe Ultimate Yes4:08not ratedMP3
YesSoonYesyears4:05not ratedMP31991
YesSound ChaserYesyears9:21not ratedMP31991
YesStarship TrooperThe Ultimate Yes9:30not ratedMP3
YesStarship TrooperYesyears9:24not ratedMP31991
YesSurvivalThe Ultimate Yes6:21not ratedMP3
YesSurvivalYesyears6:17not ratedMP31991
YesSweet DreamsYesyears3:48not ratedMP31991
YesTempus FugitYesyears5:14not ratedMP31991
YesThe CallingThe Ultimate Yes4:43not ratedMP3
YesThe Fish (Schindleria Praematurus)Yesyears2:36not ratedMP31991
YesThenThe Ultimate Yes5:48not ratedMP3
YesThenYesyears4:17not ratedMP31991
YesTime And A WordYesyears4:30not ratedMP31991
YesVevey, Part OneYesyears1:06not ratedMP31991
YesVevey, Part TwoYesyears0:56not ratedMP31991
YesWonderous StoriesSingles - Y3:46not ratedMP3 Album
YesWonderous StoriesThe Ultimate Yes3:51not ratedMP3
YesWonderous StoriesRolling Stone 500 Greatest Rock & Roll Songs Of All Time3:46not ratedMP3 Album2006
YesWonderous StoriesYesyears3:49not ratedMP31991
YesWondrous Stories100 Hits 70s3:50not ratedMP3 Album2007

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