Complete list of geoff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YazooOnly YouUpstairs At Eric's3:14not ratedMP31982
YazooOnly YouOnly Yazoo - The Best Of3:12not ratedMP31999
YazooOnly You (1999 Mix)Only Yazoo - The Best Of2:53not ratedMP31999
YazooSituation (12'' Remix)Upstairs At Eric's5:45not ratedMP31982
YazooSituation (12'')Singles Remixes - Y9:03not ratedMP3
YazooSituation (Club 69 Future Funk Mix)Only Yazoo - The Best Of8:48not ratedMP31999
YazooSituation (U.S. 12'' Mix)12''/80's5:44not ratedMP3 Album2005
YazooSituation (U.S. 12'' Mix)Singles Remixes - Y5:43not ratedMP3
YazooSituation (US 12'' Mix)Only Yazoo - The Best Of5:46not ratedMP31999
YazooState FarmOnly Yazoo - The Best Of3:35not ratedMP31999
YazooThe Other Side Of Love (12'')Upstairs At Eric's5:21not ratedMP31982
YazooToo PiecesUpstairs At Eric's3:13not ratedMP31982
YazooTuesdayUpstairs At Eric's3:22not ratedMP31982
YazooTuesdayOnly Yazoo - The Best Of3:19not ratedMP31999
YazooWinter KillsUpstairs At Eric's4:05not ratedMP31982
YazooWinter KillsOnly Yazoo - The Best Of4:03not ratedMP31999
YazzFine TimeNow 144:41not ratedMP3 Album1989
YazzThe Only Way Is UpSingles - Y3:56not ratedMP3 Album
YazzThe Only Way Is UpNow Dance - The Very Best Of4:01not ratedMP3 Album2005
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is UpHousework Songs II4:00not ratedMP3 Album2006
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is UpUK Number 1's - 19884:02not ratedMP3 Album1988
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is UpNow 19884:03not ratedMP3 Album1988
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is UpBack To The Old Skool3:49not ratedMP3 Album2001
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is UpNow 133:59not ratedMP3 Album1988
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is Up (12'' Version)Singles Remixes - Y6:48not ratedMP3

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