Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Howard ShoreThe Dreams Of TreesThe Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (The Complete Recordings)1:54not ratedMP32006
Howard ShoreThe Eagle Will ComeThe Betrayal2:13not ratedMP32008
Howard ShoreThe Eagles - Ft. Renée FlemingThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]2:23not ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreThe Earl of RochesterSpider3:56not ratedMP3
Howard ShoreThe Eaves Of Fangorn (Alternate)The Lord Of The Rings: The Rarities Archive5:28not ratedM4A2010
Howard ShoreThe Edge of Night - LOTR - Ultimate SoundtrackThe Lord of the Rings Ultimate6:59not ratedMP32008
Howard ShoreThe EndThe Client3:39not ratedMP31994
Howard ShoreThe Ent Theme (Mock-Up)The Lord Of The Rings: The Rarities Archive2:00not ratedM4A2010
Howard ShoreThe Entmoot DecidesThe Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (The Complete Recordings)2:06not ratedMP32006
Howard ShoreThe EnvelopeBig1:25not ratedCD
Howard ShoreThe EpitaphSoul of Ultimate Nation3:05not ratedMP32006
Howard ShoreThe Essence of DiscriminationPhiladelphia5:01not ratedCD1994
Howard ShoreThe Eye of Sauron - LOTR - Ultimate SoundtrackThe Lord of the Rings Ultimate9:06not ratedMP32008
Howard ShoreThe Eyes Of The White TowerThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]4:33not ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreThe Faithful DepartedThe Departed3:03not ratedMP32006
Howard ShoreThe FellowshipThe Music from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy5:52not ratedMP32004
HOWARD SHOREThe Fellowship Of The Ring Suite (composition from the movie "THE LORD OF THE RINGS")The Celtic Circle5:53not ratedMP3
Howard ShoreThe Fellowship Reunited - Ft. Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen And Renée FlemingThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]12:18not ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreThe Fighting Uruk-HaiThe Fellowship Of The Ring - The Complete Recordings11:32not ratedCD2005
Howard ShoreThe Fighting Uruk-hai (Alternate)The Lord Of The Rings: The Rarities Archive1:47not ratedM4A2010
Howard ShoreThe FinaleThe Fly2:51not ratedMP31986
Howard ShoreThe FingernailsThe Fly2:35not ratedMP31986
Howard ShoreThe Fires of Isengard - LOTR - Ultimate SoundtrackThe Lord of the Rings Ultimate8:12not ratedMP32008
Howard ShoreThe Flight to PhoenixThe Client1:47not ratedMP31994
Howard ShoreThe FlySuites16:32not ratedMP3

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