Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Howard ShoreSevenSuites and Themes12:51not ratedMP32005
Howard ShoreSha Jia Bang (Public Domain)M. Butterfly2:10not ratedCD
Howard ShoreShelob The GreatThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]5:13not ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreShelob's LairThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]8:53not ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreShieldmaiden Of RohanThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King [Complete Recordings]5:07not ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreShieldmaiden Of Rohan (Theatrical Version)The Lord Of The Rings: The Rarities Archive2:00not ratedM4A2010
Howard ShoreSiegfriedA Dangerous Method1:01not ratedMP32011
Howard ShoreSiegfried Idyll (performed by Lang Lang)A Dangerous Method32:06not ratedMP32011
Howard ShoreSilence of the lambsSuites13:19not ratedMP3
Howard ShoreSlavery and SufferingEastern Promisesnot ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreSleepwalkingEsther Kahn1:29not ratedFLAC2000
Howard ShoreSmeagolThe Lord of the Rings Ultimate7:05not ratedMP32008
Howard ShoreSnowfallHugo1:50not ratedMP32011
Howard ShoreSomething UnforgivableA Dangerous Method2:50not ratedMP32011
Howard ShoreSometimes Birth and Death Go TogeEastern Promisesnot ratedMP32007
Howard ShoreSons Of The StewardThe Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (The Complete Recordings)6:02not ratedMP32006
Howard ShoreSoul of the Ultimate NationSoul of Ultimate Nation3:13not ratedMP32006
Howard ShoreSpleen StreetSpider3:43not ratedMP3
Howard ShoreStargher ScreamsThe Cell (Complete)0:16not ratedMP32000
Howard ShoreStargher Takes AspirinThe Cell (Complete)0:11not ratedMP32000
Howard ShoreStargher's LairThe Cell (Complete)1:11not ratedMP32000
Howard ShoreStathis EntersThe Fly2:19not ratedMP31986
Howard ShoreSteak MontageThe Fly0:59not ratedMP31986
Howard ShoreStill -Performed By Alanis MorissetteDogma6:17not ratedMP32000
Howard ShoreStory Of Margeret SimsThe Cell (Complete)2:14not ratedMP32000

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