Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Guy GrossThe Locket - Stark and Zhaan Join SpiritsFarscape: Classics - Volume 31:53not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Locket - Stark's ReturnFarscape: Classics - Volume 30:39not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Locket - The LocketFarscape: Classics - Volume 30:39not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Locket - Why Am I So Old?Farscape: Classics - Volume 32:47not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Locket - You Ain't Gonna Get What's in Ma HeadFarscape: Classics - Volume 31:00not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Stand OffFarscape: The Peacekeeper Wars4:32not ratedMP32004
Guy GrossThe Temple BattleFarscape: The Peacekeeper Wars2:58not ratedMP32004
Guy GrossThe Way We Weren't - Aeryn and VelorekFarscape: Music from the Original Soundtrack2:45not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Way We Weren't - Peace KeepingFarscape: Music from the Original Soundtrack3:30not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThe Way We Weren't - Pilot ArrivesFarscape: Music from the Original Soundtrack1:32not ratedMP3
Guy GrossThis is Your PlaygroundFarscape: The Peacekeeper Wars4:53not ratedMP32004
Guy GrossWe All DieFarscape: The Peacekeeper Wars4:28not ratedMP32004
Guy GrossWe Have a SonFarscape: The Peacekeeper Wars2:00not ratedMP32004
Guy MichelmoreA Highland MorningJackboots on Whitehall1:59not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreAurora BorealisJackboots on Whitehall2:04not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreBattle of BritainJackboots on Whitehall2:56not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreBattle of Downing StreetJackboots on Whitehall3:31not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreChris to the RescueJackboots on Whitehall1:16not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreChris' MissionJackboots on Whitehall1:28not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreDefending the WallJackboots on Whitehall1:05not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreFacing DefeatJackboots on Whitehall1:29not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreFacing the EnemyJackboots on Whitehall2:26not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreFreedomJackboots on Whitehall2:14not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreHadrian's WallJackboots on Whitehall1:45not ratedMP3
Guy MichelmoreHarvest and VillageJackboots on Whitehall2:42not ratedMP3

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