Guy Michelmore
Jackboots on Whitehall

Guy Michelmore - Jackboots on Whitehall

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:03:54
  • *****
  • Added December 14, 2010
  • Played December 14, 2010
  • Rated December 14, 2010


1. Battle of Britainnot rated2:56
2. Harvest and Villagenot rated2:42
3. Nazi Airship Attacknot rated4:26
4. Punjabi's Last Standnot rated1:48
5. Light the Beaconsnot rated1:55
6. Last of the Fewnot rated1:42
7. Retreat to Scotlandnot rated2:02
8. Battle of Downing Streetnot rated3:31
9. Chris to the Rescuenot rated1:16
10. Freedomnot rated2:14
11. Nazis in Londonnot rated2:16
12. Travelling Northnot rated1:58
13. Punjabi's Escape from Londonnot rated0:31
14. Hadrian's Wallnot rated1:45
15. Aurora Borealisnot rated2:04
16. Where Is Herr Churchillnot rated0:57
17. The Morning Afternot rated1:08
18. A Highland Morningnot rated1:59
19. Chris' Missionnot rated1:28
20. Facing the Enemynot rated2:26
21. Jerusalemnot rated2:15
22. Defending the Wallnot rated1:05
23. The Battlenot rated3:34
24. Facing Defeatnot rated1:29
25. Scottish Attacknot rated2:11
26. You're a Scotsmannot rated2:46
27. The Fallennot rated1:59
28. Rule Britannianot rated1:25
29. Scots Revengenot rated1:14
30. Whitehall Marchnot rated2:38
31. Scotland the Bravenot rated1:09
32. Jackboots Demo (Bonus Track)not rated1:05

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