Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Edmund ChoiThe Bucket ChaseWide Awake1:57not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiThe Last Day of SchoolWide Awake1:19not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiThe MissionWide Awake1:32not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiThe RaceWide Awake1:48not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiThe Rose CeremonyWide Awake1:46not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiThe SnowWide Awake2:27not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiThe Wootan FleetWide Awake0:58not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiToy StoreWide Awake1:29not ratedMP31998
Edmund ChoiWide AwakeWide Awake1:12not ratedMP31998
Edward ArtemyevAchilles' FuneralThe Odyssey1:37not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevAeolusThe Odyssey2:24not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevArrows of OdysseusThe Odyssey3:30not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevCalypsoThe Odyssey3:27not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevClimbing to Circe's PalaceThe Odyssey4:43not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevCyclopsThe Odyssey3:47not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevDedication To Andrei TarkovskySolaris, The Mirror, Stalker -9:23not ratedMP31999
Edward ArtemyevEnd Titles (Part One)The Odyssey0:59not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevEscape from CalypsoThe Odyssey2:24not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevFinaleThe Odyssey3:24not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevIntroductionThe Odyssey3:32not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevMirror - ExodusSolaris, The Mirror, Stalker -7:04not ratedMP31999
Edward ArtemyevOdysseus DriftsThe Odyssey3:09not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevPenelope & OdysseusThe Odyssey2:44not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevPenelope on the ShoreThe Odyssey3:08not ratedMP31997
Edward ArtemyevPigletThe Odyssey1:12not ratedMP31997

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