Edmund Choi
Wide Awake

Edmund Choi - Wide Awake

  • Release date: 1998
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 42:50
  • *** 1/2
  • Added August 14, 2010
  • Played August 30, 2010
  • Rated August 14, 2010


1. Opening Titlenot rated2:42
2. The Rose Ceremonynot rated1:46
3. Biological Reactionsnot rated1:31
4. Grampa and Menot rated1:51
5. Footballnot rated1:16
6. Kyrienot rated0:38
7. Glorianot rated1:07
8. Toy Storenot rated1:29
9. The Wootan Fleetnot rated0:58
10. Grampa's Sicknot rated1:42
11. Recessnot rated1:12
12. Good-Bye Freddienot rated2:00
13. The Bucket Chasenot rated1:57
14. The Snownot rated2:27
15. Brickmannot rated2:13
16. School Daysnot rated1:40
17. Gym Classnot rated1:01
18. Stealing the Math Testnot rated2:12
19. The Racenot rated1:48
20. Freddie's Dismissalnot rated0:50
21. The Missionnot rated1:32
22. Dave's Housenot rated1:29
23. Don't Give Upnot rated0:58
24. The Last Day of Schoolnot rated1:19
25. Wide Awakenot rated1:12
26. Hosannanot rated1:18
27. A Little Like Menot rated2:42

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