John Scott (57 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
John Scott20,000 Leagues Under The SeaMP3****1:02:54
John ScottA Study In TerrorMP32008not rated52:14
John ScottAnthony and CleopatraMP3not rated40:30
John ScottAt the Grand RexMP32004*****2:18:57
John ScottBecoming ColetteMP31991*** 1/254:20
John ScottBilly 2 hatsMP3not rated24:53
John ScottColchester SymphonyMP32008not rated1:07:19
John ScottCousteau - Cape Horn / Channel IslandsMP3*** 1/21:00:58
John ScottCousteau / Amazon - Part 1 - The RiverMP31989*****55:48
John ScottCousteau's Papua New Guinea JourneyMP3****1:03:01
John ScottCousteau: Saint Lawrence / Cousteau: AustraliaMP3*** 1/255:30
John ScottCousteau: The Amazon Part 2: The IndiansMP3*****55:16
John ScottCousteau: The First 75 Years / The Warm Blooded SeaMP3****1:07:50
John ScottEngland Made MeMP31973not rated34:44
John ScottFar From Home The Adventures of Yellow DogMP3not rated1:02:52
John ScottGreystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the ApesMP31984*****38:25
John ScottGreystoke:The Legend Of TarzanM4A1984****1:14:04
John ScottHennessey - The People That Time ForgotMP3****1:07:42
John ScottInseminoidMP31981**35:04
John ScottJohn Scott Conducts His Own Favorite Film ScoresMP31991*****59:02
John ScottKabuto (Shogun Mayeda)MP31991***58:51
John ScottKing Kong LivesMP31986*****1:12:16
John ScottKing Of The WindMP3****53:14
John ScottL'Expédition Jules Verne à bord du Trois-Mat BelemWMA2005*****1:56:15
John ScottLionheartMP31990***1:04:30
John ScottMan on FireMP3not rated36:22
John ScottMountbattenMP3****47:12
John ScottNorth Dallas FortyMP3*** 1/21:01:05
John ScottNorth StarMP32004*** 1/21:00:33
John ScottOdyssey Of The BelemMP3*****1:02:27
John ScottParc Oceanique CousteauMP3****1:00:18
John ScottRed King, White KnightMP31993not rated47:25
John ScottRocket to the moonMP3not rated38:37
John ScottRubyMP31992***47:22
John ScottShergarMP3*** 1/254:22
John ScottShogun MayedaCD1991not rated1:06:46
John ScottShoot To KillMP31988not rated49:16
John ScottShoot To Kill (Intrada Release)MP3****1:17:34
John ScottThe DeceiversMP3not rated51:14
John ScottThe Final CountdownMP3not rated53:23
John ScottThe Long DuelMP31967not rated38:21
John ScottThe Lucona AffairMP32000***54:09
John ScottThe Mill On The FlossMP31997**** 1/258:00
John ScottThe New Swiss Family RobinsonMP31998not rated1:04:59
John ScottThe People That Time ForgotMP31977not rated54:52
John ScottThe Scarlet TunicMP31997***1:03:17
John ScottThe Second Jungle BookMP3**** 1/21:08:51
John ScottThe Shooting PartyMP31991****52:12
John ScottThe Whistle BlowerMP31987*** 1/238:39
John ScottTime Of The WolfMP32003not rated57:53
John ScottTo the Ends of the EarthMP31988**** 1/246:23
John ScottWalking ThunderMP31994*****1:01:37
John ScottWilliam The ConquerorMP31990****52:47
John ScottWinter People - Prayer For The DyingMP31989****1:08:34
John ScottWitchcraftMP31996****58:18
John ScottYor The Hunter from the FutureMP3not rated42:18
John ScottYor, The Hunter From The Future (BSX)MP32011****1:13:32